2022-11-14 17:31:15 +00:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( 'IN_ECS' ))
die ( 'Hacking attempt' );
* 获得文章分类下的文章列表
* @ access public
* @ param integer $cat_id
* @ param integer $page
* @ param integer $size
* @ return array
function get_cat_articles ( $cat_id , $page = 1 , $size = 20 , $requirement = '' )
if ( $cat_id == '-1' )
$cat_str = 'cat_id > 0' ;
$cat_str = get_article_children ( $cat_id );
if ( $requirement != '' )
$sql = 'SELECT article_id, title, author, add_time, file_url, open_type' .
' FROM ' . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'article' ) .
' WHERE is_open = 1 AND title like \'%' . $requirement . '%\' ' .
' ORDER BY article_type DESC, add_time DESC, article_id DESC' ;
$sql = 'SELECT article_id, title, author, add_time, file_url, open_type' .
' FROM ' . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'article' ) .
' WHERE is_open = 1 AND ' . $cat_str .
' ORDER BY article_type DESC, add_time DESC, article_id DESC' ;
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> selectLimit ( $sql , $size , ( $page - 1 ) * $size );
$arr = array ();
if ( $res )
while ( $row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> fetchRow ( $res ))
$article_id = $row [ 'article_id' ];
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'id' ] = $article_id ;
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'title' ] = $row [ 'title' ];
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'short_title' ] = $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'article_title_length' ] > 0 ? sub_str ( $row [ 'title' ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'article_title_length' ]) : $row [ 'title' ];
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'author' ] = empty ( $row [ 'author' ]) || $row [ 'author' ] == '_SHOPHELP' ? $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'shop_name' ] : $row [ 'author' ];
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'url' ] = $row [ 'open_type' ] != 1 ? build_uri ( 'article' , array ( 'aid' => $article_id ), $row [ 'title' ]) : trim ( $row [ 'file_url' ]);
$arr [ $article_id ][ 'add_time' ] = date ( $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'date_format' ], $row [ 'add_time' ]);
return $arr ;
* 获得指定分类下的文章总数
* @ param integer $cat_id
* @ return integer
function get_article_count ( $cat_id , $requirement = '' )
global $db , $ecs ;
if ( $requirement != '' )
$count = $db -> getOne ( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs -> table ( 'article' ) . ' WHERE ' . get_article_children ( $cat_id ) . ' AND title like \'%' . $requirement . '%\' AND is_open = 1' );
$count = $db -> getOne ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs -> table ( 'article' ) . " WHERE " . get_article_children ( $cat_id ) . " AND is_open = 1 " );
return $count ;
2022-11-14 15:49:28 +00:00