2022-11-14 17:31:15 +00:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( 'IN_ECS' ))
die ( 'Hacking attempt' );
* 取得推荐类型列表
* @ return array 推荐类型列表
function get_intro_list ()
return array (
'is_best' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'is_best' ],
'is_new' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'is_new' ],
'is_hot' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'is_hot' ],
'is_promote' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'is_promote' ],
'all_type' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'all_type' ],
* 取得重量单位列表
* @ return array 重量单位列表
function get_unit_list ()
return array (
'1' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'unit_kg' ],
'0.001' => $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'unit_g' ],
* 取得会员等级列表
* @ return array 会员等级列表
function get_user_rank_list ()
$sql = " SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'user_rank' ) .
" ORDER BY min_points " ;
return $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
* 取得某商品的会员价格列表
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ return array 会员价格列表 user_rank => user_price
function get_member_price_list ( $goods_id )
/* 取得会员价格 */
$price_list = array ();
$sql = " SELECT user_rank, user_price FROM " .
$GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " ;
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> fetchRow ( $res ))
$price_list [ $row [ 'user_rank' ]] = $row [ 'user_price' ];
return $price_list ;
* 插入或更新商品属性
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ param array $id_list 属性编号数组
* @ param array $is_spec_list 是否规格数组 'true' | 'false'
* @ param array $value_price_list 属性值数组
* @ return array 返回受到影响的goods_attr_id数组
function handle_goods_attr ( $goods_id , $id_list , $is_spec_list , $value_price_list )
$goods_attr_id = array ();
/* 循环处理每个属性 */
foreach ( $id_list AS $key => $id )
$is_spec = $is_spec_list [ $key ];
if ( $is_spec == 'false' )
$value = $value_price_list [ $key ];
$price = '' ;
$value_list = array ();
$price_list = array ();
if ( $value_price_list [ $key ])
$vp_list = explode ( chr ( 13 ), $value_price_list [ $key ]);
foreach ( $vp_list AS $v_p )
$arr = explode ( chr ( 9 ), $v_p );
$value_list [] = $arr [ 0 ];
$price_list [] = $arr [ 1 ];
$value = join ( chr ( 13 ), $value_list );
$price = join ( chr ( 13 ), $price_list );
// 插入或更新记录
$sql = " SELECT goods_attr_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . " WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' AND attr_id = ' $id ' AND attr_value = ' $value ' LIMIT 0, 1 " ;
$result_id = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
if ( ! empty ( $result_id ))
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . "
SET attr_value = '$value'
WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'
AND attr_id = '$id'
AND goods_attr_id = '$result_id' " ;
$goods_attr_id [ $id ] = $result_id ;
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . " (goods_id, attr_id, attr_value, attr_price) " .
" VALUES (' $goods_id ', ' $id ', ' $value ', ' $price ') " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
if ( $goods_attr_id [ $id ] == '' )
$goods_attr_id [ $id ] = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> insert_id ();
return $goods_attr_id ;
* 保存某商品的会员价格
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ param array $rank_list 等级列表
* @ param array $price_list 价格列表
* @ return void
function handle_member_price ( $goods_id , $rank_list , $price_list )
/* 循环处理每个会员等级 */
foreach ( $rank_list AS $key => $rank )
/* 会员等级对应的价格 */
$price = $price_list [ $key ];
// 插入或更新记录
$sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' AND user_rank = ' $rank ' " ;
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql ) > 0 )
/* 如果会员价格是小于0则删除原来价格, 不是则更新为新的价格 */
if ( $price < 0 )
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' AND user_rank = ' $rank ' LIMIT 1 " ;
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) .
" SET user_price = ' $price ' " .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" AND user_rank = ' $rank ' LIMIT 1 " ;
if ( $price == - 1 )
$sql = '' ;
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) . " (goods_id, user_rank, user_price) " .
" VALUES (' $goods_id ', ' $rank ', ' $price ') " ;
if ( $sql )
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
* 保存某商品的扩展分类
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ param array $cat_list 分类编号数组
* @ return void
function handle_other_cat ( $goods_id , $cat_list )
/* 查询现有的扩展分类 */
$sql = " SELECT cat_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_cat' ) .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " ;
$exist_list = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getCol ( $sql );
/* 删除不再有的分类 */
$delete_list = array_diff ( $exist_list , $cat_list );
if ( $delete_list )
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_cat' ) .
" WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" AND cat_id " . db_create_in ( $delete_list );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 添加新加的分类 */
$add_list = array_diff ( $cat_list , $exist_list , array ( 0 ));
foreach ( $add_list AS $cat_id )
// 插入记录
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_cat' ) .
" (goods_id, cat_id) " .
" VALUES (' $goods_id ', ' $cat_id ') " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
* 保存某商品的关联商品
* @ param int $goods_id
* @ return void
function handle_link_goods ( $goods_id )
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'link_goods' ) . " SET " .
" goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" WHERE goods_id = '0' " .
" AND admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'link_goods' ) . " SET " .
" link_goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" WHERE link_goods_id = '0' " .
" AND admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
* 保存某商品的配件
* @ param int $goods_id
* @ return void
function handle_group_goods ( $goods_id )
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'group_goods' ) . " SET " .
" parent_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" WHERE parent_id = '0' " .
" AND admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
* 保存某商品的关联文章
* @ param int $goods_id
* @ return void
function handle_goods_article ( $goods_id )
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_article' ) . " SET " .
" goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" WHERE goods_id = '0' " .
" AND admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
* 保存某商品的相册图片
* @ param int $goods_id
* @ param array $image_files
* @ param array $image_descs
* @ return void
function handle_gallery_image ( $goods_id , $image_files , $image_descs , $image_urls )
/* 是否处理缩略图 */
$proc_thumb = ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'shop_id' ]) && $GLOBALS [ 'shop_id' ] > 0 ) ? false : true ;
foreach ( $image_descs AS $key => $img_desc )
/* 是否成功上传 */
$flag = false ;
if ( isset ( $image_files [ 'error' ]))
if ( $image_files [ 'error' ][ $key ] == 0 )
$flag = true ;
if ( $image_files [ 'tmp_name' ][ $key ] != 'none' )
$flag = true ;
if ( $flag )
// 生成缩略图
if ( $proc_thumb )
$thumb_url = $GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> make_thumb ( $image_files [ 'tmp_name' ][ $key ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'thumb_width' ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'thumb_height' ]);
$thumb_url = is_string ( $thumb_url ) ? $thumb_url : '' ;
$upload = array (
'name' => $image_files [ 'name' ][ $key ],
'type' => $image_files [ 'type' ][ $key ],
'tmp_name' => $image_files [ 'tmp_name' ][ $key ],
'size' => $image_files [ 'size' ][ $key ],
if ( isset ( $image_files [ 'error' ]))
$upload [ 'error' ] = $image_files [ 'error' ][ $key ];
$img_original = $GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> upload_image ( $upload );
if ( $img_original === false )
sys_msg ( $GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> error_msg (), 1 , array (), false );
$img_url = $img_original ;
if ( ! $proc_thumb )
$thumb_url = $img_original ;
// 如果服务器支持GD 则添加水印
if ( $proc_thumb && gd_version () > 0 )
$pos = strpos ( basename ( $img_original ), '.' );
$newname = dirname ( $img_original ) . '/' . $GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> random_filename () . substr ( basename ( $img_original ), $pos );
copy ( '../' . $img_original , '../' . $newname );
$img_url = $newname ;
$GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> add_watermark ( '../' . $img_url , '' , $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'watermark' ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'watermark_place' ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'watermark_alpha' ]);
/* 重新格式化图片名称 */
$img_original = reformat_image_name ( 'gallery' , $goods_id , $img_original , 'source' );
$img_url = reformat_image_name ( 'gallery' , $goods_id , $img_url , 'goods' );
$thumb_url = reformat_image_name ( 'gallery_thumb' , $goods_id , $thumb_url , 'thumb' );
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_gallery' ) . " (goods_id, img_url, img_desc, thumb_url, img_original) " .
" VALUES (' $goods_id ', ' $img_url ', ' $img_desc ', ' $thumb_url ', ' $img_original ') " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 不保留商品原图的时候删除原图 */
if ( $proc_thumb && ! $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'retain_original_img' ] && ! empty ( $img_original ))
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_gallery' ) . " SET img_original='' WHERE `goods_id`=' { $goods_id } ' " );
@ unlink ( '../' . $img_original );
elseif ( ! empty ( $image_urls [ $key ]) && ( $image_urls [ $key ] != $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'img_file' ]) && ( $image_urls [ $key ] != 'http://' ) && copy ( trim ( $image_urls [ $key ]), ROOT_PATH . 'temp/' . basename ( $image_urls [ $key ])))
$image_url = trim ( $image_urls [ $key ]);
$down_img = ROOT_PATH . 'temp/' . basename ( $image_url );
// 生成缩略图
if ( $proc_thumb )
$thumb_url = $GLOBALS [ 'image' ] -> make_thumb ( $down_img , $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'thumb_width' ], $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'thumb_height' ]);
$thumb_url = is_string ( $thumb_url ) ? $thumb_url : '' ;
$thumb_url = reformat_image_name ( 'gallery_thumb' , $goods_id , $thumb_url , 'thumb' );
if ( ! $proc_thumb )
$thumb_url = htmlspecialchars ( $image_url );
/* 重新格式化图片名称 */
$img_url = $img_original = htmlspecialchars ( $image_url );
$sql = " INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_gallery' ) . " (goods_id, img_url, img_desc, thumb_url, img_original) " .
" VALUES (' $goods_id ', ' $img_url ', ' $img_desc ', ' $thumb_url ', ' $img_original ') " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
@ unlink ( $down_img );
* 修改商品某字段值
* @ param string $goods_id 商品编号,可以为多个,用 ',' 隔开
* @ param string $field 字段名
* @ param string $value 字段值
* @ return bool
function update_goods ( $goods_id , $field , $value )
if ( $goods_id )
/* 清除缓存 */
clear_cache_files ();
$sql = " UPDATE " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) .
" SET $field = ' $value ' , last_update = ' " . gmtime () . " ' " .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
return $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
return false ;
* 从回收站删除多个商品
* @ param mix $goods_id 商品id列表: 可以逗号格开, 也可以是数组
* @ return void
function delete_goods ( $goods_id )
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return ;
/* 取得有效商品id */
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT goods_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id ) . " AND is_delete = 1 " ;
$goods_id = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getCol ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return ;
/* 删除商品图片和轮播图片文件 */
$sql = " SELECT goods_thumb, goods_img, original_img " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
while ( $goods = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> fetchRow ( $res ))
if ( ! empty ( $goods [ 'goods_thumb' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $goods [ 'goods_thumb' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $goods [ 'goods_img' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $goods [ 'goods_img' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $goods [ 'original_img' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $goods [ 'original_img' ]);
/* 删除商品 */
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 删除商品的货品记录 */
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 删除商品相册的图片文件 */
$sql = " SELECT img_url, thumb_url, img_original " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_gallery' ) .
" WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
while ( $row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> fetchRow ( $res ))
if ( ! empty ( $row [ 'img_url' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $row [ 'img_url' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $row [ 'thumb_url' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $row [ 'thumb_url' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $row [ 'img_original' ]))
@ unlink ( '../' . $row [ 'img_original' ]);
/* 删除商品相册 */
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_gallery' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 删除相关表记录 */
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'collect_goods' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_article' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_cat' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'member_price' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'group_goods' ) . " WHERE parent_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'group_goods' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'link_goods' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'link_goods' ) . " WHERE link_goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'tag' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'comment' ) . " WHERE comment_type = 0 AND id_value " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
$GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql );
/* 删除相应虚拟商品记录 */
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'virtual_card' ) . " WHERE goods_id " . db_create_in ( $goods_id );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> query ( $sql , 'SILENT' ) && $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> errno () != 1146 )
die ( $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> error ());
/* 清除缓存 */
clear_cache_files ();
* 为某商品生成唯一的货号
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ return string 唯一的货号
function generate_goods_sn ( $goods_id )
$goods_sn = $GLOBALS [ '_CFG' ][ 'sn_prefix' ] . str_repeat ( '0' , 6 - strlen ( $goods_id )) . $goods_id ;
$sql = " SELECT goods_sn FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) .
" WHERE goods_sn LIKE ' " . mysql_like_quote ( $goods_sn ) . " %' AND goods_id <> ' $goods_id ' " .
" ORDER BY LENGTH(goods_sn) DESC " ;
$sn_list = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getCol ( $sql );
if ( in_array ( $goods_sn , $sn_list ))
$max = pow ( 10 , strlen ( $sn_list [ 0 ]) - strlen ( $goods_sn ) + 1 ) - 1 ;
$new_sn = $goods_sn . mt_rand ( 0 , $max );
while ( in_array ( $new_sn , $sn_list ))
$new_sn = $goods_sn . mt_rand ( 0 , $max );
$goods_sn = $new_sn ;
return $goods_sn ;
* 商品货号是否重复
* @ param string $goods_sn 商品货号; 请在传入本参数前对本参数进行SQl脚本过滤
* @ param int $goods_id 商品id; 默认值为: 0, 没有商品id
* @ return bool true , 重复; false, 不重复
function check_goods_sn_exist ( $goods_sn , $goods_id = 0 )
$goods_sn = trim ( $goods_sn );
$goods_id = intval ( $goods_id );
if ( strlen ( $goods_sn ) == 0 )
return true ; //重复
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
$sql = " SELECT goods_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) . "
WHERE goods_sn = '$goods_sn' " ;
$sql = " SELECT goods_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) . "
WHERE goods_sn = '$goods_sn'
AND goods_id <> '$goods_id' " ;
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $res ))
return false ; //不重复
return true ; //重复
* 取得通用属性和某分类的属性,以及某商品的属性值
* @ param int $cat_id 分类编号
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ return array 规格与属性列表
function get_attr_list ( $cat_id , $goods_id = 0 )
if ( empty ( $cat_id ))
return array ();
// 查询属性值及商品的属性值
$sql = " SELECT a.attr_id, a.attr_name, a.attr_input_type, a.attr_type, a.attr_values, v.attr_value, v.attr_price " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'attribute' ) . " AS a " .
" LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . " AS v " .
" ON v.attr_id = a.attr_id AND v.goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" WHERE a.cat_id = " . intval ( $cat_id ) . " OR a.cat_id = 0 " .
" ORDER BY a.sort_order, a.attr_type, a.attr_id, v.attr_price, v.goods_attr_id " ;
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> GetAll ( $sql );
return $row ;
* 获取商品类型中包含规格的类型列表
* @ access public
* @ return array
function get_goods_type_specifications ()
// 查询
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT cat_id
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('attribute'). "
WHERE attr_type = 1 " ;
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> GetAll ( $sql );
$return_arr = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $row ))
foreach ( $row as $value )
$return_arr [ $value [ 'cat_id' ]] = $value [ 'cat_id' ];
return $return_arr ;
* 根据属性数组创建属性的表单
* @ access public
* @ param int $cat_id 分类编号
* @ param int $goods_id 商品编号
* @ return string
function build_attr_html ( $cat_id , $goods_id = 0 )
$attr = get_attr_list ( $cat_id , $goods_id );
$html = '<table width="100%" id="attrTable">' ;
$spec = 0 ;
foreach ( $attr AS $key => $val )
$html .= " <tr><td class='label'> " ;
if ( $val [ 'attr_type' ] == 1 || $val [ 'attr_type' ] == 2 )
$html .= ( $spec != $val [ 'attr_id' ]) ?
" <a href='javascript:;' onclick='addSpec(this)'>[+]</a> " :
" <a href='javascript:;' onclick='removeSpec(this)'>[-]</a> " ;
$spec = $val [ 'attr_id' ];
$html .= " $val[attr_name] </td><td><input type='hidden' name='attr_id_list[]' value=' $val[attr_id] ' /> " ;
if ( $val [ 'attr_input_type' ] == 0 )
$html .= '<input name="attr_value_list[]" type="text" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $val [ 'attr_value' ]) . '" size="40" /> ' ;
elseif ( $val [ 'attr_input_type' ] == 2 )
$html .= '<textarea name="attr_value_list[]" rows="3" cols="40">' . htmlspecialchars ( $val [ 'attr_value' ]) . '</textarea>' ;
$html .= '<select name="attr_value_list[]">' ;
$html .= '<option value="">' . $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'select_please' ] . '</option>' ;
$attr_values = explode ( " \n " , $val [ 'attr_values' ]);
foreach ( $attr_values AS $opt )
$opt = trim ( htmlspecialchars ( $opt ));
$html .= ( $val [ 'attr_value' ] != $opt ) ?
'<option value="' . $opt . '">' . $opt . '</option>' :
'<option value="' . $opt . '" selected="selected">' . $opt . '</option>' ;
$html .= '</select> ' ;
$html .= ( $val [ 'attr_type' ] == 1 || $val [ 'attr_type' ] == 2 ) ?
$GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'spec_price' ] . ' <input type="text" name="attr_price_list[]" value="' . $val [ 'attr_price' ] . '" size="5" maxlength="10" />' :
' <input type="hidden" name="attr_price_list[]" value="0" />' ;
$html .= '</td></tr>' ;
$html .= '</table>' ;
return $html ;
* 获得指定商品相关的商品
* @ access public
* @ param integer $goods_id
* @ return array
function get_linked_goods ( $goods_id )
$sql = " SELECT lg.link_goods_id AS goods_id, g.goods_name, lg.is_double " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'link_goods' ) . " AS lg, " .
$GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) . " AS g " .
" WHERE lg.goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" AND lg.link_goods_id = g.goods_id " ;
if ( $goods_id == 0 )
$sql .= " AND lg.admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
foreach ( $row AS $key => $val )
$linked_type = $val [ 'is_double' ] == 0 ? $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'single' ] : $GLOBALS [ '_LANG' ][ 'double' ];
$row [ $key ][ 'goods_name' ] = $val [ 'goods_name' ] . " -- [ $linked_type ] " ;
unset ( $row [ $key ][ 'is_double' ]);
return $row ;
* 获得指定商品的配件
* @ access public
* @ param integer $goods_id
* @ return array
function get_group_goods ( $goods_id )
$sql = " SELECT gg.goods_id, CONCAT(g.goods_name, ' -- [', gg.goods_price, ']') AS goods_name " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'group_goods' ) . " AS gg, " .
$GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) . " AS g " .
" WHERE gg.parent_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" AND gg.goods_id = g.goods_id " ;
if ( $goods_id == 0 )
$sql .= " AND gg.admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
return $row ;
* 获得商品的关联文章
* @ access public
* @ param integer $goods_id
* @ return array
function get_goods_articles ( $goods_id )
$sql = " SELECT g.article_id, a.title " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_article' ) . " AS g, " .
$GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'article' ) . " AS a " .
" WHERE g.goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " .
" AND g.article_id = a.article_id " ;
if ( $goods_id == 0 )
$sql .= " AND g.admin_id = ' $_SESSION[admin_id] ' " ;
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
return $row ;
* 获得商品列表
* @ access public
* @ params integer $isdelete
* @ params integer $real_goods
* @ params integer $conditions
* @ return array
function hs_list ( $is_delete , $real_goods = 1 , $conditions = '' )
/* 过滤条件 */
$param_str = '-' . $is_delete . '-' . $real_goods ;
$result = get_filter ( $param_str );
if ( $result === false )
$day = getdate ();
$today = local_mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $day [ 'mon' ], $day [ 'mday' ], $day [ 'year' ]);
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'keyword' ]) ? '' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'keyword' ]);
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'is_ajax' ]) && $_REQUEST [ 'is_ajax' ] == 1 )
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = json_str_iconv ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]);
$filter [ 'sort_by' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_by' ]) ? 'id' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_by' ]);
$filter [ 'sort_order' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_order' ]) ? 'DESC' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_order' ]);
/* 关键字 */
if ( ! empty ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]))
$where .= " AND (goods_name LIKE '% " . mysql_like_quote ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]) . " %') " ;
$where .= $conditions ;
/* 记录总数 */
$sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'hs_web' ) . " AS g WHERE 1 $where " ;
$filter [ 'record_count' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
/* 分页大小 */
$filter = page_and_size ( $filter );
$sql = " SELECT * " .
" FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'hs_web' ) . " AS g WHERE 1 $where " .
" ORDER BY $filter[sort_by] $filter[sort_order] " .
" LIMIT " . $filter [ 'start' ] . " , $filter[page_size] " ;
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = stripslashes ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]);
set_filter ( $filter , $sql , $param_str );
$sql = $result [ 'sql' ];
$filter = $result [ 'filter' ];
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
return array ( 'homestay' => $row , 'filter' => $filter , 'page_count' => $filter [ 'page_count' ], 'record_count' => $filter [ 'record_count' ]);
* 检测商品是否有货品
* @ access public
* @ params integer $goods_id 商品id
* @ params string $conditions sql条件, AND语句开头
* @ return string number - 1 , 错误; 1, 存在; 0, 不存在
function check_goods_product_exist ( $goods_id , $conditions = '' )
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return - 1 ; //$goods_id不能为空
$sql = " SELECT goods_id
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('products') . "
WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'
" . $conditions . "
LIMIT 0 , 1 " ;
$result = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getRow ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $result ))
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
* 获得商品的货品总库存
* @ access public
* @ params integer $goods_id 商品id
* @ params string $conditions sql条件, AND语句开头
* @ return string number
function product_number_count ( $goods_id , $conditions = '' )
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return - 1 ; //$goods_id不能为空
$sql = " SELECT SUM(product_number)
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('products') . "
WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'
" . $conditions ;
$nums = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
$nums = empty ( $nums ) ? 0 : $nums ;
return $nums ;
* 获得商品的规格属性值列表
* @ access public
* @ params integer $goods_id
* @ return array
function product_goods_attr_list ( $goods_id )
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return array (); //$goods_id不能为空
$sql = " SELECT goods_attr_id, attr_value FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods_attr' ) . " WHERE goods_id = ' $goods_id ' " ;
$results = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
$return_arr = array ();
foreach ( $results as $value )
$return_arr [ $value [ 'goods_attr_id' ]] = $value [ 'attr_value' ];
return $return_arr ;
* 获得商品已添加的规格列表
* @ access public
* @ params integer $goods_id
* @ return array
function get_goods_specifications_list ( $goods_id )
if ( empty ( $goods_id ))
return array (); //$goods_id不能为空
$sql = " SELECT g.goods_attr_id, g.attr_value, g.attr_id, a.attr_name
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('goods_attr') . " AS g
LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('attribute') . " AS a
ON a . attr_id = g . attr_id
WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'
AND a . attr_type = 1
ORDER BY g . attr_id ASC " ;
$results = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
return $results ;
* 获得商品的货品列表
* @ access public
* @ params integer $goods_id
* @ params string $conditions
* @ return array
function product_list ( $goods_id , $conditions = '' )
/* 过滤条件 */
$param_str = '-' . $goods_id ;
$result = get_filter ( $param_str );
if ( $result === false )
$day = getdate ();
$today = local_mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $day [ 'mon' ], $day [ 'mday' ], $day [ 'year' ]);
$filter [ 'goods_id' ] = $goods_id ;
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'keyword' ]) ? '' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'keyword' ]);
$filter [ 'stock_warning' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'stock_warning' ]) ? 0 : intval ( $_REQUEST [ 'stock_warning' ]);
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'is_ajax' ]) && $_REQUEST [ 'is_ajax' ] == 1 )
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = json_str_iconv ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]);
$filter [ 'sort_by' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_by' ]) ? 'product_id' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_by' ]);
$filter [ 'sort_order' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_order' ]) ? 'DESC' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort_order' ]);
$filter [ 'extension_code' ] = empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'extension_code' ]) ? '' : trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'extension_code' ]);
$filter [ 'page_count' ] = isset ( $filter [ 'page_count' ]) ? $filter [ 'page_count' ] : 1 ;
$where = '' ;
/* 库存警告 */
if ( $filter [ 'stock_warning' ])
$where .= ' AND goods_number <= warn_number ' ;
/* 关键字 */
if ( ! empty ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]))
$where .= " AND (product_sn LIKE '% " . $filter [ 'keyword' ] . " %') " ;
$where .= $conditions ;
/* 记录总数 */
$sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . " AS p WHERE goods_id = $goods_id $where " ;
$filter [ 'record_count' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
$sql = " SELECT product_id, goods_id, goods_attr, product_sn, product_number
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('products') . " AS g
WHERE goods_id = $goods_id $where
ORDER BY $filter [ sort_by ] $filter [ sort_order ] " ;
$filter [ 'keyword' ] = stripslashes ( $filter [ 'keyword' ]);
//set_filter($filter, $sql, $param_str);
$sql = $result [ 'sql' ];
$filter = $result [ 'filter' ];
$row = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getAll ( $sql );
/* 处理规格属性 */
$goods_attr = product_goods_attr_list ( $goods_id );
foreach ( $row as $key => $value )
$_goods_attr_array = explode ( '|' , $value [ 'goods_attr' ]);
if ( is_array ( $_goods_attr_array ))
$_temp = '' ;
foreach ( $_goods_attr_array as $_goods_attr_value )
$_temp [] = $goods_attr [ $_goods_attr_value ];
$row [ $key ][ 'goods_attr' ] = $_temp ;
return array ( 'product' => $row , 'filter' => $filter , 'page_count' => $filter [ 'page_count' ], 'record_count' => $filter [ 'record_count' ]);
* 取货品信息
* @ access public
* @ param int $product_id 货品id
* @ param int $filed 字段
* @ return array
function get_product_info ( $product_id , $filed = '' )
$return_array = array ();
if ( empty ( $product_id ))
return $return_array ;
$filed = trim ( $filed );
if ( empty ( $filed ))
$filed = '*' ;
$sql = " SELECT $filed FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . " WHERE product_id = ' $product_id ' " ;
$return_array = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getRow ( $sql );
return $return_array ;
* 检查单个商品是否存在规格
* @ param int $goods_id 商品id
* @ return bool true , 存在; false, 不存在
function check_goods_specifications_exist ( $goods_id )
$goods_id = intval ( $goods_id );
$sql = " SELECT COUNT(a.attr_id)
FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('attribute'). " AS a , " . $GLOBALS['ecs'] ->table('goods'). " AS g
WHERE a . cat_id = g . goods_type
AND g . goods_id = '$goods_id' " ;
$count = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
if ( $count > 0 )
return true ; //存在
return false ; //不存在
* 商品的货品规格是否存在
* @ param string $goods_attr 商品的货品规格
* @ param string $goods_id 商品id
* @ param int $product_id 商品的货品id; 默认值为: 0, 没有货品id
* @ return bool true , 重复; false, 不重复
function check_goods_attr_exist ( $goods_attr , $goods_id , $product_id = 0 )
$goods_id = intval ( $goods_id );
if ( strlen ( $goods_attr ) == 0 || empty ( $goods_id ))
return true ; //重复
if ( empty ( $product_id ))
$sql = " SELECT product_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . "
WHERE goods_attr = '$goods_attr'
AND goods_id = '$goods_id' " ;
$sql = " SELECT product_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . "
WHERE goods_attr = '$goods_attr'
AND goods_id = '$goods_id'
AND product_id <> '$product_id' " ;
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $res ))
return false ; //不重复
return true ; //重复
* 商品的货品货号是否重复
* @ param string $product_sn 商品的货品货号; 请在传入本参数前对本参数进行SQl脚本过滤
* @ param int $product_id 商品的货品id; 默认值为: 0, 没有货品id
* @ return bool true , 重复; false, 不重复
function check_product_sn_exist ( $product_sn , $product_id = 0 )
$product_sn = trim ( $product_sn );
$product_id = intval ( $product_id );
if ( strlen ( $product_sn ) == 0 )
return true ; //重复
$sql = " SELECT goods_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'goods' ) . " WHERE goods_sn=' $product_sn ' " ;
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql ))
return true ; //重复
if ( empty ( $product_id ))
$sql = " SELECT product_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . "
WHERE product_sn = '$product_sn' " ;
$sql = " SELECT product_id FROM " . $GLOBALS [ 'ecs' ] -> table ( 'products' ) . "
WHERE product_sn = '$product_sn'
AND product_id <> '$product_id' " ;
$res = $GLOBALS [ 'db' ] -> getOne ( $sql );
if ( empty ( $res ))
return false ; //不重复
return true ; //重复
* 格式化商品图片名称(按目录存储)
function reformat_image_name ( $type , $goods_id , $source_img , $position = '' )
$rand_name = gmtime () . sprintf ( " %03d " , mt_rand ( 1 , 999 ));
$img_ext = substr ( $source_img , strrpos ( $source_img , '.' ));
$dir = 'images' ;
if ( defined ( 'IMAGE_DIR' ))
$dir = IMAGE_DIR ;
$sub_dir = date ( 'Ym' , gmtime ());
if ( ! make_dir ( ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir ))
return false ;
if ( ! make_dir ( ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img' ))
return false ;
if ( ! make_dir ( ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img' ))
return false ;
if ( ! make_dir ( ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img' ))
return false ;
switch ( $type )
case 'goods' :
$img_name = $goods_id . '_G_' . $rand_name ;
break ;
case 'goods_thumb' :
$img_name = $goods_id . '_thumb_G_' . $rand_name ;
break ;
case 'gallery' :
$img_name = $goods_id . '_P_' . $rand_name ;
break ;
case 'gallery_thumb' :
$img_name = $goods_id . '_thumb_P_' . $rand_name ;
break ;
if ( $position == 'source' )
if ( move_image_file ( ROOT_PATH . $source_img , ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ))
return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/source_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ;
elseif ( $position == 'thumb' )
if ( move_image_file ( ROOT_PATH . $source_img , ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ))
return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/thumb_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ;
if ( move_image_file ( ROOT_PATH . $source_img , ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ))
return $dir . '/' . $sub_dir . '/goods_img/' . $img_name . $img_ext ;
return false ;
function move_image_file ( $source , $dest )
if ( @ copy ( $source , $dest ))
@ unlink ( $source );
return true ;
return false ;
2022-11-14 15:49:28 +00:00