2022-11-14 17:31:15 +00:00
< tr >
< td class = "label" valign = "top" >
{if $var.desc}
< a href = "javascript:showNotice('notice{$var.code}');" title = "{$lang.form_notice}" > < img src = "images/notice.gif" width = "16" height = "16" border = "0" alt = "{$lang.form_notice}" / > < / a >
< / td >
< td >
{if $var.type eq "text"}
< input name = "value[{$var.id}]" type = "text" value = "{$var.value}" size = "40" / >
{elseif $var.type eq "password"}
< input name = "value[{$var.id}]" type = "password" value = "{$var.value}" size = "40" / >
{elseif $var.type eq "textarea"}
< textarea name = "value[{$var.id}]" cols = "80" rows = "10" > {$var.value}< / textarea >
{elseif $var.type eq "select"}
{foreach from=$var.store_options key=k item=opt}
< label for = "value_{$var.id}_{$k}" > < input type = "radio" name = "value[{$var.id}]" id = "value_{$var.id}_{$k}" value = "{$opt}"
{if $var.value eq $opt}checked="true"{/if}
{if $var.code eq 'rewrite'}
onclick="return ReWriterConfirm(this);"
{if $var.code eq 'smtp_ssl' and $opt eq 1}
onclick="return confirm('{$lang.smtp_ssl_confirm}');"
{if $var.code eq 'enable_gzip' and $opt eq 1}
onclick="return confirm('{$lang.gzip_confirm}');"
{if $var.code eq 'retain_original_img' and $opt eq 0}
onclick="return confirm('{$lang.retain_original_confirm}');"
/>{$var.display_options.$k}< / label >
{elseif $var.type eq "options"}
< select name = "value[{$var.id}]" id = "value_{$var.id}_{$key}" >
{html_options options=$lang.cfg_range.$var.code selected=$var.value}
< / select >
{elseif $var.type eq "file"}
< input name = "{$var.code}" type = "file" size = "40" / >
{if ($var.code eq "shop_logo" or $var.code eq "no_picture" or $var.code eq "watermark" or $var.code eq "shop_slagon" or $var.code eq "wap_logo") and $var.value}
< a href = "?act=del&code={$var.code}" > < img src = "images/no.gif" alt = "Delete" border = "0" / > < / a > < img src = "images/yes.gif" border = "0" onmouseover = "showImg('{$var.code}_layer', 'show')" onmouseout = "showImg('{$var.code}_layer', 'hide')" / >
< div id = "{$var.code}_layer" style = "position:absolute; width:100px; height:100px; z-index:1; visibility:hidden" border = "1" >
< img src = "{$var.value}" border = "0" / >
< / div >
{if $var.value neq ""}
< img src = "images/yes.gif" alt = "yes" / >
< img src = "images/no.gif" alt = "no" / >
{elseif $var.type eq "manual"}
{if $var.code eq "shop_country"}
< select name = "value[{$var.id}]" id = "selCountries" onchange = "region.changed(this, 1, 'selProvinces')" >
< option value = '' > {$lang.select_please}< / option >
{foreach from=$countries item=region}
< option value = "{$region.region_id}" { if $ region . region_id eq $ cfg . shop_country } selected { / if } > {$region.region_name}< / option >
< / select >
{elseif $var.code eq "shop_province"}
< select name = "value[{$var.id}]" id = "selProvinces" onchange = "region.changed(this, 2, 'selCities')" >
< option value = '' > {$lang.select_please}< / option >
{foreach from=$provinces item=region}
< option value = "{$region.region_id}" { if $ region . region_id eq $ cfg . shop_province } selected { / if } > {$region.region_name}< / option >
< / select >
{elseif $var.code eq "shop_city"}
< select name = "value[{$var.id}]" id = "selCities" >
< option value = '' > {$lang.select_please}< / option >
{foreach from=$cities item=region}
< option value = "{$region.region_id}" { if $ region . region_id eq $ cfg . shop_city } selected { / if } > {$region.region_name}< / option >
< / select >
{elseif $var.code eq "lang"}
< select name = "value[{$var.id}]" >
{html_options values=$lang_list output=$lang_list selected=$var.value}
< / select >
{elseif $var.code eq "invoice_type"}
< table >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" > {$lang.invoice_type}< / th >
< th scope = "col" > {$lang.invoice_rate}< / th >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < input name = "invoice_type[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.type[0]}" / > < / td >
< td > < input name = "invoice_rate[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.rate[0]}" / > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < input name = "invoice_type[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.type[1]}" / > < / td >
< td > < input name = "invoice_rate[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.rate[1]}" / > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < input name = "invoice_type[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.type[2]}" / > < / td >
< td > < input name = "invoice_rate[]" type = "text" value = "{$cfg.invoice_type.rate[2]}" / > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
{if $var.desc}
< br / >
< span class = "notice-span" { if $ help_open } style = "display:block" { else } style = "display:none" { / if } id = "notice{$var.code}" > {$var.desc|nl2br}< / span >
< / td >
< / tr >