$v) { if (!is_numeric($i)) { $numeric = false; break; } } if ($numeric) { foreach ($arg AS $i => $v) { if (strlen($s) > 0) { $s .= ','; } $s .= $this->encode($arg[$i]); } $returnValue = '[' . $s . ']'; } else { foreach ($arg AS $i => $v) { if (strlen($s) > 0) { $s .= ','; } $s .= $this->encode($i) . ':' . $this->encode($arg[$i]); } $returnValue = '{' . $s . '}'; } break; case 'object': foreach (get_object_vars($arg) AS $i => $v) { $v = $this->encode($v); if (strlen($s) > 0) { $s .= ','; } $s .= $this->encode($i) . ':' . $v; } $returnValue = '{' . $s . '}'; break; case 'integer': case 'double': $returnValue = is_numeric($arg) ? (string) $arg : 'null'; break; case 'string': $returnValue = '"' . strtr($arg, array( "\r" => '\\r', "\n" => '\\n', "\t" => '\\t', "\b" => '\\b', "\f" => '\\f', '\\' => '\\\\', '"' => '\"', "\x00" => '\u0000', "\x01" => '\u0001', "\x02" => '\u0002', "\x03" => '\u0003', "\x04" => '\u0004', "\x05" => '\u0005', "\x06" => '\u0006', "\x07" => '\u0007', "\x08" => '\b', "\x0b" => '\u000b', "\x0c" => '\f', "\x0e" => '\u000e', "\x0f" => '\u000f', "\x10" => '\u0010', "\x11" => '\u0011', "\x12" => '\u0012', "\x13" => '\u0013', "\x14" => '\u0014', "\x15" => '\u0015', "\x16" => '\u0016', "\x17" => '\u0017', "\x18" => '\u0018', "\x19" => '\u0019', "\x1a" => '\u001a', "\x1b" => '\u001b', "\x1c" => '\u001c', "\x1d" => '\u001d', "\x1e" => '\u001e', "\x1f" => '\u001f' )) . '"'; break; case 'boolean': $returnValue = $arg?'true':'false'; break; default: $returnValue = 'null'; } return $returnValue; } function decode($text,$type=0) // 榛樿?type=0杩斿洖obj,type=1杩斿洖array { if (empty($text)) { return ''; } elseif (!is_string($text)) { return false; } if (EC_CHARSET === 'utf-8' && function_exists('json_decode')) { return addslashes_deep_obj(json_decode(stripslashes($text),$type)); } $this->at = 0; $this->ch = ''; $this->text = strtr(stripslashes($text), array( "\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => '', "\b" => '', "\x00" => '', "\x01" => '', "\x02" => '', "\x03" => '', "\x04" => '', "\x05" => '', "\x06" => '', "\x07" => '', "\x08" => '', "\x0b" => '', "\x0c" => '', "\x0e" => '', "\x0f" => '', "\x10" => '', "\x11" => '', "\x12" => '', "\x13" => '', "\x14" => '', "\x15" => '', "\x16" => '', "\x17" => '', "\x18" => '', "\x19" => '', "\x1a" => '', "\x1b" => '', "\x1c" => '', "\x1d" => '', "\x1e" => '', "\x1f" => '' )); $this->next(); $return = $this->val(); $result = empty($type) ? $return : $this->object_to_array($return); return addslashes_deep_obj($result); } /** * triggers a PHP_ERROR * * @access private * @param string $m error message * * @return void */ function error($m) { echo($m . ' at offset ' . $this->at . ': ' . $this->text); } /** * returns the next character of a JSON string * * @access private * * @return string */ function next() { $this->ch = !isset($this->text{$this->at}) ? '' : $this->text{$this->at}; $this->at++; return $this->ch; } /** * handles strings * * @access private * * @return void */ function str() { $i = ''; $s = ''; $t = ''; $u = ''; if ($this->ch == '"') { while ($this->next() !== null) { if ($this->ch == '"') { $this->next(); return $s; } elseif ($this->ch == '\\') { switch ($this->next()) { case 'b': $s .= '\b'; break; case 'f': $s .= '\f'; break; case 'n': $s .= '\n'; break; case 'r': $s .= '\r'; break; case 't': $s .= '\t'; break; case 'u': $u = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $t = (integer) sprintf('%01c', hexdec($this->next())); if (!is_numeric($t)) { break 2; } $u = $u * 16 + $t; } $s .= chr($u); break; case '\'': $s .= '\''; break; default: $s .= $this->ch; } } else { $s .= $this->ch; } } } $this->error('Bad string'); } /** * handless arrays * * @access private * * @return void */ function arr() { $a = array(); if ($this->ch == '[') { $this->next(); if ($this->ch == ']') { $this->next(); return $a; } while (isset($this->ch)) { array_push($a, $this->val()); if ($this->ch == ']') { $this->next(); return $a; } elseif ($this->ch != ',') { break; } $this->next(); } $this->error('Bad array'); } } /** * handles objects * * @access public * * @return void */ function obj() { $k = ''; $o = new StdClass(); if ($this->ch == '{') { $this->next(); if ($this->ch == '}') { $this->next(); return $o; } while ($this->ch) { $k = $this->str(); if ($this->ch != ':') { break; } $this->next(); $o->$k = $this->val(); if ($this->ch == '}') { $this->next(); return $o; } elseif ($this->ch != ',') { break; } $this->next(); } } $this->error('Bad object'); } /** * handles objects * * @access public * * @return void */ function assoc() { $k = ''; $a = array(); if ($this->ch == '<') { $this->next(); if ($this->ch == '>') { $this->next(); return $a; } while ($this->ch) { $k = $this->str(); if ($this->ch != ':') { break; } $this->next(); $a[$k] = $this->val(); if ($this->ch == '>') { $this->next(); return $a; } elseif ($this->ch != ',') { break; } $this->next(); } } $this->error('Bad associative array'); } /** * handles numbers * * @access private * * @return void */ function num() { $n = ''; $v = ''; if ($this->ch == '-') { $n = '-'; $this->next(); } while ($this->ch >= '0' && $this->ch <= '9') { $n .= $this->ch; $this->next(); } if ($this->ch == '.') { $n .= '.'; while ($this->next() && $this->ch >= '0' && $this->ch <= '9') { $n .= $this->ch; } } if ($this->ch == 'e' || $this->ch == 'E') { $n .= 'e'; $this->next(); if ($this->ch == '-' || $this->ch == '+') { $n .= $this->ch; $this->next(); } while ($this->ch >= '0' && $this->ch <= '9') { $n .= $this->ch; $this->next(); } } $v += $n; if (!is_numeric($v)) { $this->error('Bad number'); } else { return $v; } } /** * handles words * * @access private * * @return mixed */ function word() { switch ($this->ch) { case 't': if ($this->next() == 'r' && $this->next() == 'u' && $this->next() == 'e') { $this->next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if ($this->next() == 'a' && $this->next() == 'l' && $this->next() == 's' && $this->next() == 'e') { $this->next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if ($this->next() == 'u' && $this->next() == 'l' && $this->next() == 'l') { $this->next(); return null; } break; } $this->error('Syntax error'); } /** * generic value handler * * @access private * * @return mixed */ function val() { switch ($this->ch) { case '{': return $this->obj(); case '[': return $this->arr(); case '<': return $this->assoc(); case '"': return $this->str(); case '-': return $this->num(); default: return ($this->ch >= '0' && $this->ch <= '9') ? $this->num() : $this->word(); } } /** * Gets the properties of the given object recursion * * @access private * * @return array */ function object_to_array($obj) { $_arr = is_object($obj) ? get_object_vars($obj) : $obj; foreach ($_arr as $key => $val) { $val = (is_array($val) || is_object($val)) ? $this->object_to_array($val) : $val; $arr[$key] = $val; } return $arr; } } ?>