0) ? intval($suppid) : intval($_GET['suppId']); $sql="SELECT count(`goods_id`) FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods')." as g WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.supplier_id='$suppid'"; return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); } function assign_template_supplier($ctype = '', $catlist = array()) { global $smarty,$suppinfo,$index_price; $shoplogo = empty($GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_logo']) ? 'themes/'.$GLOBALS['_CFG']['template'].'/images/dianpu.jpg' : $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_logo']; $smarty->assign('shoplogo', $shoplogo);//商家logo $smarty->assign('shopname', htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name']));//店铺名称 $smarty->assign('username', htmlspecialchars($suppinfo['supplier_name']));//商家名称 $smarty->assign('userrank', htmlspecialchars($suppinfo['rank_name']));//商家等级 $smarty->assign('region', get_province_city($GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_province'],$GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_city'])); $smarty->assign('address', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_address']); $smarty->assign('createtime', gmdate('Y-m-d',$suppinfo['add_time']));//商家创建时间 $smarty->assign('goodsnum', get_supplier_goods_count());//商家商品数量 $smarty->assign('keywords', htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_keywords'])); $smarty->assign('description', htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_desc'])); $smarty->assign('navcolor', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_header_color']); // 头部 $smarty->assign('shopheader', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_header_text']); // 头部 $smarty->assign('flash_theme', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['flash_theme']); // Flash轮播图片模板 $smarty->assign('shop_notice', $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_notice']); // 商店公告 $smarty->assign('search_price', $index_price); // 导航上搜索条件中的价格条件 $smarty->assign('navigator_list_supplier', get_navigator_supplier($ctype, $catlist)); //自定义导航栏 $smarty->assign('top_goods', get_top10_supplier()); // 销售排行 if (!empty($GLOBALS['_CFG']['search_keywords'])) { $searchkeywords = explode(',', trim($GLOBALS['_CFG']['search_keywords'])); } else { $searchkeywords = array(); } $smarty->assign('searchkeywords', $searchkeywords); } /** * 添加商品名样式 * @param string $goods_name 商品名称 * @param string $style 样式参数 * @return string */ function add_style_supplier($goods_name, $style) { $goods_style_name = $goods_name; $arr = explode('+', $style); $font_color = !empty($arr[0]) ? $arr[0] : ''; $font_style = !empty($arr[1]) ? $arr[1] : ''; if ($font_color!='') { $goods_style_name = '' . $goods_style_name . ''; } if ($font_style != '') { $goods_style_name = '<' . $font_style .'>' . $goods_style_name . ''; } return $goods_style_name; } /** * 获得指定的规格的价格 * * @access public * @param mix $spec 规格ID的数组或者逗号分隔的字符串 * @return void */ function spec_price_supplier($spec) { if (!empty($spec)) { if(is_array($spec)) { foreach($spec as $key=>$val) { $spec[$key]=addslashes($val); } } else { $spec=addslashes($spec); } $where = db_create_in($spec, 'goods_attr_id'); $sql = 'SELECT SUM(attr_price) AS attr_price FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_attr') . " WHERE $where"; $price = floatval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql)); } else { $price = 0; } return $price; } /** * 取得自定义导航栏列表 * @param string $type 位置,如top、bottom、middle * @return array 列表 */ function get_navigator_supplier($ctype = '', $catlist = array()) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '. $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_nav') . ' WHERE ifshow = \'1\' AND supplier_id='.$_GET['suppId'].' ORDER BY type, vieworder'; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $cur_url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'),1); if (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['rewrite'])) { if(strpos($cur_url, '-')) { preg_match('/([a-z]*)-([0-9]*)/',$cur_url,$matches); $cur_url = $matches[1].'.php?id='.$matches[2]; } } else { $cur_url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'),1); } $noindex = false; $active = 0; $navlist = array( 'top' => array(), 'middle' => array(), 'bottom' => array() ); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $navlist[$row['type']][] = array( 'name' => $row['name'], 'opennew' => $row['opennew'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'ctype' => $row['ctype'], 'cid' => $row['cid'], ); } /*遍历自定义是否存在currentPage*/ foreach($navlist['middle'] as $k=>$v) { $condition = empty($ctype) ? (strpos($cur_url, $v['url']) === 0) : (strpos($cur_url, $v['url']) === 0 && strlen($cur_url) == strlen($v['url'])); if ($condition) { $navlist['middle'][$k]['active'] = 1; $noindex = true; $active += 1; } } if(!empty($ctype) && $active < 1) { foreach($catlist as $key => $val) { foreach($navlist['middle'] as $k=>$v) { if(!empty($v['ctype']) && $v['ctype'] == $ctype && $v['cid'] == $val && $active < 1) { $navlist['middle'][$k]['active'] = 1; $noindex = true; $active += 1; } } } } if ($noindex == false) { $navlist['config']['index'] = 1; } return $navlist; } /** * 载入配置信息 * * @access public * @return array */ function load_config_supplier() { $arr = array(); $suppid = (isset($_GET['suppId'])&& intval($_GET['suppId'])>0) ? intval($_GET['suppId']) : (isset($_SESSION['supplier_id']) ? $_SESSION['supplier_id'] : 0); if($suppid <= 0){ return $arr; } $data = read_static_cache('supplier_shop_config'.$suppid); if ($data === false) { $sql = 'SELECT code, value FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_shop_config') . ' WHERE parent_id > 0 AND supplier_id='.$suppid; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($res AS $row) { $arr[$row['code']] = $row['value']; } /* 对数值型设置处理 */ /* $arr['watermark_alpha'] = intval($arr['watermark_alpha']); $arr['market_price_rate'] = floatval($arr['market_price_rate']); $arr['integral_scale'] = floatval($arr['integral_scale']); //$arr['integral_percent'] = floatval($arr['integral_percent']); $arr['cache_time'] = intval($arr['cache_time']); $arr['thumb_width'] = intval($arr['thumb_width']); $arr['thumb_height'] = intval($arr['thumb_height']); $arr['image_width'] = intval($arr['image_width']); $arr['image_height'] = intval($arr['image_height']); $arr['best_number'] = !empty($arr['best_number']) && intval($arr['best_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['best_number']) : 3; $arr['new_number'] = !empty($arr['new_number']) && intval($arr['new_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['new_number']) : 3; $arr['hot_number'] = !empty($arr['hot_number']) && intval($arr['hot_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['hot_number']) : 3; $arr['promote_number'] = !empty($arr['promote_number']) && intval($arr['promote_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['promote_number']) : 3; $arr['top_number'] = intval($arr['top_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['top_number']) : 10; $arr['history_number'] = intval($arr['history_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['history_number']) : 5; $arr['comments_number'] = intval($arr['comments_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['comments_number']) : 5; $arr['article_number'] = intval($arr['article_number']) > 0 ? intval($arr['article_number']) : 5; $arr['page_size'] = intval($arr['page_size']) > 0 ? intval($arr['page_size']) : 10; $arr['bought_goods'] = intval($arr['bought_goods']); $arr['goods_name_length'] = intval($arr['goods_name_length']); $arr['top10_time'] = intval($arr['top10_time']); $arr['goods_gallery_number'] = intval($arr['goods_gallery_number']) ? intval($arr['goods_gallery_number']) : 5; $arr['no_picture'] = !empty($arr['no_picture']) ? str_replace('../', './', $arr['no_picture']) : 'images/no_picture.gif'; // 修改默认商品图片的路径 $arr['qq'] = !empty($arr['qq']) ? $arr['qq'] : ''; $arr['ww'] = !empty($arr['ww']) ? $arr['ww'] : ''; $arr['default_storage'] = isset($arr['default_storage']) ? intval($arr['default_storage']) : 1; $arr['min_goods_amount'] = isset($arr['min_goods_amount']) ? floatval($arr['min_goods_amount']) : 0; $arr['one_step_buy'] = empty($arr['one_step_buy']) ? 0 : 1; $arr['invoice_type'] = empty($arr['invoice_type']) ? array('type' => array(), 'rate' => array()) : unserialize($arr['invoice_type']); $arr['show_order_type'] = isset($arr['show_order_type']) ? $arr['show_order_type'] : 0; // 显示方式默认为列表方式 $arr['help_open'] = isset($arr['help_open']) ? $arr['help_open'] : 1; // 显示方式默认为列表方式 */ if (!isset($GLOBALS['_CFG']['ecs_version'])) { /* 如果没有版本号则默认为2.0.5 */ $GLOBALS['_CFG']['ecs_version'] = 'v2.0.5'; } //限定语言项 $lang_array = array('zh_cn', 'zh_tw', 'en_us'); //if (empty($arr['lang']) || !in_array($arr['lang'], $lang_array)) //{ $arr['lang'] = 'zh_tw'; // 默认语言为简体中文 //} //if (empty($arr['integrate_code'])) //{ $arr['integrate_code'] = 'ecshop'; // 默认的会员整合插件为 ecshop //} write_static_cache('supplier_shop_config'.$suppid, $arr); } else { $arr = $data; } return $arr; } /** * 获得指定分类同级的所有分类以及该分类下的子分类 * * @access public * @param integer $cat_id 分类编号 * @return array */ function get_categories_tree_supplier($cat_id = 0) { if ($cat_id > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT parent_id FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . " WHERE cat_id = '$cat_id' AND supplier_id=".$_GET['suppId']; $parent_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); } else { $parent_id = 0; } /* 判断当前分类中全是是否是底级分类, 如果是取出底级分类上级分类, 如果不是取当前分类及其下的子分类 */ $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . " WHERE parent_id = '$parent_id' AND is_show = 1 AND supplier_id=".$_GET['suppId']; if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql) || $parent_id == 0) { /* 获取当前分类及其子分类 */ $sql = 'SELECT cat_id,cat_name ,parent_id,is_show ' . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . "WHERE parent_id = '$parent_id' AND is_show = 1 AND supplier_id=".$_GET['suppId']." ORDER BY sort_order ASC, cat_id ASC"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); foreach ($res AS $row) { if ($row['is_show']) { $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['id'] = $row['cat_id']; $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['name'] = $row['cat_name']; $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['url'] = build_uri('supplier', array('go'=>'category','suppid'=>$_GET['suppId'],'cid' => $row['cat_id']), $row['cat_name']); if (isset($row['cat_id']) != NULL) { $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'] = get_child_tree_supplier($row['cat_id']); } } } } if(isset($cat_arr)) { return $cat_arr; } } function get_child_tree_supplier($tree_id = 0) { $three_arr = array(); $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . " WHERE parent_id = '$tree_id' AND is_show = 1 AND supplier_id=".$_GET['suppId']; if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql) || $tree_id == 0) { $child_sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, parent_id, is_show ' . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . "WHERE parent_id = '$tree_id' AND is_show = 1 AND supplier_id=".$_GET['suppId']." ORDER BY sort_order ASC, cat_id ASC"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($child_sql); foreach ($res AS $row) { if ($row['is_show']) $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['id'] = $row['cat_id']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['name'] = $row['cat_name']; $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['url'] = build_uri('supplier', array('go'=>'category','suppid'=>$_GET['suppId'],'cid' => $row['cat_id']), $row['cat_name']); if (isset($row['cat_id']) != NULL) { $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'] = get_child_tree_supplier($row['cat_id']); } } } return $three_arr; } /** * 获得指定分类下所有底层分类的ID * * @access public * @param integer $cat 指定的分类ID * @param string $attr 用来标记sql语句中表简省的前缀 * @return string */ function get_children_supplier($cat = 0,$attr='sgc') { return $attr.'.cat_id ' . db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat), array_keys(cat_list_supplier($cat, 0, false))))); } /** * 获得指定分类下的子分类的数组 * * @access public * @param int $cat_id 分类的ID * @param int $selected 当前选中分类的ID * @param boolean $re_type 返回的类型: 值为真时返回下拉列表,否则返回数组 * @param int $level 限定返回的级数。为0时返回所有级数 * @param int $is_show_all 如果为true显示所有分类,如果为false隐藏不可见分类。 * @return mix */ function cat_list_supplier($cat_id = 0, $selected = 0, $re_type = true, $level = 0, $is_show_all = true) { static $res = NULL; $suppid = (isset($_GET['suppId']) && intval($_GET['suppId'])>0) ? intval($_GET['suppId']) : $_SESSION['supplier_id']; if ($res === NULL) { $sql = "SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_name, c.measure_unit, c.parent_id, c.is_show, c.show_in_nav, c.grade, c.sort_order, COUNT(s.cat_id) AS has_children ". 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . " AS c ". "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_category') . " AS s ON s.parent_id=c.cat_id where c.supplier_id = ".$suppid. " GROUP BY c.cat_id ". 'ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.sort_order ASC'; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); /*$sql = "SELECT cat_id, COUNT(*) AS goods_num " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " WHERE supplier_id = ".$_SESSION['supplier_id']." AND is_delete = 0 AND is_on_sale = 1 " . " GROUP BY cat_id"; $res2 = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);*/ $sql = "SELECT gc.cat_id, COUNT(*) AS goods_num " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_goods_cat') . " AS gc , " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g " . " WHERE gc.supplier_id = ".$suppid." AND g.goods_id = gc.goods_id AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 " . " GROUP BY gc.cat_id"; $res3 = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $newres = array(); //foreach($res2 as $k=>$v) //{ //$newres[$v['cat_id']] = $v['goods_num']; foreach($res3 as $ks=>$vs) { $newres[$vs['cat_id']] = $vs['goods_num']; // if($v['cat_id'] == $vs['cat_id']) //{ //$newres[$v['cat_id']] = $v['goods_num'] + $vs['goods_num']; // } } //} foreach($res as $k=>$v) { $res[$k]['goods_num'] = !empty($newres[$v['cat_id']]) ? $newres[$v['cat_id']] : 0; } } if (empty($res) == true) { return $re_type ? '' : array(); } $options = cat_options_supplier($cat_id, $res); // 获得指定分类下的子分类的数组 $children_level = 99999; //大于这个分类的将被删除 if ($is_show_all == false) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) { if ($val['level'] > $children_level) { unset($options[$key]); } else { if ($val['is_show'] == 0) { unset($options[$key]); if ($children_level > $val['level']) { $children_level = $val['level']; //标记一下,这样子分类也能删除 } } else { $children_level = 99999; //恢复初始值 } } } } /* 截取到指定的缩减级别 */ if ($level > 0) { if ($cat_id == 0) { $end_level = $level; } else { $first_item = reset($options); // 获取第一个元素 $end_level = $first_item['level'] + $level; } /* 保留level小于end_level的部分 */ foreach ($options AS $key => $val) { if ($val['level'] >= $end_level) { unset($options[$key]); } } } if ($re_type == true) { $select = ''; foreach ($options AS $var) { $select .= ''; } return $select; } else { foreach ($options AS $key => $value) { $options[$key]['url'] = build_uri('category', array('cid' => $value['cat_id']), $value['cat_name']); } return $options; } } /** * 过滤和排序所有分类,返回一个带有缩进级别的数组 * * @access private * @param int $cat_id 上级分类ID * @param array $arr 含有所有分类的数组 * @param int $level 级别 * @return void */ function cat_options_supplier($spec_cat_id, $arr) { static $cat_options = array(); if (isset($cat_options[$spec_cat_id])) { return $cat_options[$spec_cat_id]; } if (!isset($cat_options[0])) { $level = $last_cat_id = 0; $options = $cat_id_array = $level_array = array(); while (!empty($arr)) { foreach ($arr AS $key => $value) { $cat_id = $value['cat_id']; if ($level == 0 && $last_cat_id == 0) { if ($value['parent_id'] > 0) { break; } $options[$cat_id] = $value; $options[$cat_id]['level'] = $level; $options[$cat_id]['id'] = $cat_id; $options[$cat_id]['name'] = $value['cat_name']; unset($arr[$key]); if ($value['has_children'] == 0) { continue; } $last_cat_id = $cat_id; $cat_id_array = array($cat_id); $level_array[$last_cat_id] = ++$level; continue; } if ($value['parent_id'] == $last_cat_id) { $options[$cat_id] = $value; $options[$cat_id]['level'] = $level; $options[$cat_id]['id'] = $cat_id; $options[$cat_id]['name'] = $value['cat_name']; unset($arr[$key]); if ($value['has_children'] > 0) { if (end($cat_id_array) != $last_cat_id) { $cat_id_array[] = $last_cat_id; } $last_cat_id = $cat_id; $cat_id_array[] = $cat_id; $level_array[$last_cat_id] = ++$level; } } elseif ($value['parent_id'] > $last_cat_id) { break; } } $count = count($cat_id_array); if ($count > 1) { $last_cat_id = array_pop($cat_id_array); } elseif ($count == 1) { if ($last_cat_id != end($cat_id_array)) { $last_cat_id = end($cat_id_array); } else { $level = 0; $last_cat_id = 0; $cat_id_array = array(); continue; } } if ($last_cat_id && isset($level_array[$last_cat_id])) { $level = $level_array[$last_cat_id]; } else { $level = 0; } } $cat_options[0] = $options; } else { $options = $cat_options[0]; } if (!$spec_cat_id) { return $options; } else { if (empty($options[$spec_cat_id])) { return array(); } $spec_cat_id_level = $options[$spec_cat_id]['level']; foreach ($options AS $key => $value) { if ($key != $spec_cat_id) { unset($options[$key]); } else { break; } } $spec_cat_id_array = array(); foreach ($options AS $key => $value) { if (($spec_cat_id_level == $value['level'] && $value['cat_id'] != $spec_cat_id) || ($spec_cat_id_level > $value['level'])) { break; } else { $spec_cat_id_array[$key] = $value; } } $cat_options[$spec_cat_id] = $spec_cat_id_array; return $spec_cat_id_array; } } /** * 调用当前分类的销售排行榜 * * @access public * @param string $cats 查询的分类 * @return array */ function get_top10_supplier($cats = '') { $suppid = (isset($_GET['suppId']) && intval($_GET['suppId'])>0) ? intval($_GET['suppId']) : $_SESSION['supplier_id']; $cats = get_children($cats); $where = "AND g.supplier_id=".$suppid; $where .= !empty($cats) ? " AND ($cats OR " . get_extension_goods($cats) . ") " : ''; /* 排行统计的时间 */ switch ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['top10_time']) { case 1: // 一年 $top10_time = "AND o.order_sn >= '" . date('Ymd', gmtime() - 365 * 86400) . "'"; break; case 2: // 半年 $top10_time = "AND o.order_sn >= '" . date('Ymd', gmtime() - 180 * 86400) . "'"; break; case 3: // 三个月 $top10_time = "AND o.order_sn >= '" . date('Ymd', gmtime() - 90 * 86400) . "'"; break; case 4: // 一个月 $top10_time = "AND o.order_sn >= '" . date('Ymd', gmtime() - 30 * 86400) . "'"; break; default: $top10_time = ''; } $sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.goods_name, g.shop_price, g.goods_thumb, SUM(og.goods_number) as goods_number, g.supplier_id ' . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . ' AS o, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') . ' AS og ' . "WHERE g.is_on_sale = 1 AND g.is_alone_sale = 1 AND g.is_delete = 0 $where $top10_time " ; //判断是否启用库存,库存数量是否大于0 if ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['use_storage'] == 1) { $sql .= " AND g.goods_number > 0 "; } $sql .= ' AND og.order_id = o.order_id AND og.goods_id = g.goods_id ' . "AND (o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' OR o.order_status = '" . OS_SPLITED . "') " . "AND (o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYED . "' OR o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYING . "') " . "AND (o.shipping_status = '" . SS_SHIPPED . "' OR o.shipping_status = '" . SS_RECEIVED . "') " . 'GROUP BY g.goods_id ORDER BY goods_number DESC, g.goods_id DESC LIMIT ' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['top_number']; $arr = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); for ($i = 0, $count = count($arr); $i < $count; $i++) { $arr[$i]['short_name'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length'] > 0 ? sub_str($arr[$i]['goods_name'], $GLOBALS['_CFG']['goods_name_length']) : $arr[$i]['goods_name']; $arr[$i]['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $arr[$i]['goods_id']), $arr[$i]['goods_name']); $arr[$i]['thumb'] = get_image_path($arr[$i]['goods_id'], $arr[$i]['goods_thumb'],true); $arr[$i]['price'] = price_format($arr[$i]['shop_price']); } return $arr; } /** * 获得所有扩展分类属于指定分类的所有商品ID * * @access public * @param string $cat_id 分类查询字符串 * @return string */ function get_extension_goods_supplier($cats) { $extension_goods_array = ''; $suppid = (isset($_GET['suppId']) && intval($_GET['suppId'])>0) ? intval($_GET['suppId']) : $_SESSION['supplier_id']; $sql = 'SELECT goods_id FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_goods_cat') . " AS sgc WHERE $cats"; $extension_goods_array = $GLOBALS['db']->getCol($sql); return db_create_in($extension_goods_array, 'sgc.goods_id'); } /** * 获得当前入驻商仓库类型 * @return int $ret -1,没有选择仓库;0,(自营方仓库),大于0(入驻商自己的仓库) * morestore_morecity */ function get_store_type(){ $sql = "select type from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('store_type')." where supplier_id=".$_SESSION['supplier_id']." and status=1"; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); if(is_array($row) && count($row)>0){ return $row['type']; }else{ return -1; } } /** * 判断是否可以操作仓库管理 * @param int $storeType 仓库类型 * morestore_morecity */ function is_manage_store($storeType){ if($storeType === $_SESSION['supplier_id']){ return true; }else{ return false; } } ?>