table('hs_web'), $db, 'id', 'name'); if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/fckeditor/fckeditor.php'); // 包含 html editor 類文件 // admin_priv('goods_manage'); // 檢查權限 if (ini_get('safe_mode') == 1 && (!file_exists('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) || !is_dir('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')))) { if (@!mkdir('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym'), 0777)) { $warning = sprintf($_LANG['safe_mode_warning'], '../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')); $smarty->assign('warning', $warning); } } /* 如果目錄存在但不可寫,提示用戶 */ elseif (file_exists('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) && file_mode_info('../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')) < 2) { $warning = sprintf($_LANG['not_writable_warning'], '../' . IMAGE_DIR . '/' . date('Ym')); $smarty->assign('warning', $warning); } /* 取得商品信息 */ /* 商品信息 */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . " WHERE hs_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'"; $hs = $db->getRow($sql); if (empty($hs) === true) { /* 默認值 */ $hs = array( 'domain' => '', 'cname' => '' ); } /* 圖片列表 */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_gallery') . " WHERE hs_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'"; $img_list = $db->getAll($sql); /* 格式化相冊圖片路徑 */ if (isset($GLOBALS['shop_id']) && ($GLOBALS['shop_id'] > 0)) { foreach ($img_list as $key => $gallery_img) { $gallery_img[$key]['img_url'] = get_image_path($gallery_img['goods_id'], $gallery_img['img_original'], false, 'gallery'); $gallery_img[$key]['thumb_url'] = get_image_path($gallery_img['goods_id'], $gallery_img['img_original'], true, 'gallery'); } } else { foreach ($img_list as $key => $gallery_img) { $gallery_img[$key]['thumb_url'] = '../' . (empty($gallery_img['thumb_url']) ? $gallery_img['img_url'] : $gallery_img['thumb_url']); } } /* 模板賦值 */ $smarty->assign('ur_here', '編輯內容'); $smarty->assign('action_link', ''); $smarty->assign('hs', $hs); $smarty->assign('fac_list', get_fac_list($hs['facility'])); $smarty->assign('cfg', $_CFG); $smarty->assign('form_act', $is_add ? 'insert' : ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit' ? 'update' : 'insert')); $smarty->assign('img_list', $img_list); $smarty->assign('gd', gd_version()); $smarty->assign('thumb_width', 200); $smarty->assign('thumb_height', 0); /* 顯示商品信息頁面 */ assign_menu_info(); assign_query_info(); $smarty->display('hs_info.htm'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'update') { // admin_priv('goods_manage'); // 檢查權限 /* 檢查domain是否重複 */ if ($_POST['domain']) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . " WHERE domain = '$_POST[domain]' AND id <> '$_POST[id]'"; if ($db->getOne($sql) > 0) { sys_msg('網域已存在', 1, array(), false); } } /* 檢查圖片:如果有錯誤,檢查尺寸是否超過最大值;否則,檢查文件類型 */ if (isset($_FILES['index_banner']['error'])) // php 4.2 版本才支持 error { // 最大上傳文件大小 $php_maxsize = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $htm_maxsize = '20M'; // 商品圖片 if ($_FILES['index_banner']['error'] == 0) { if (!$image->check_img_type($_FILES['index_banner']['type'])) { sys_msg('圖片格式錯誤', 1, array(), false); } } elseif ($_FILES['index_banner']['error'] == 1) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['goods_img_too_big'], $php_maxsize), 1, array(), false); } elseif ($_FILES['index_banner']['error'] == 2) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['goods_img_too_big'], $htm_maxsize), 1, array(), false); } // 相冊圖片 - 功能保留 foreach ($_FILES['img_url']['error'] as $key => $value) { if ($value == 0) { if (!$image->check_img_type($_FILES['img_url']['type'][$key])) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['invalid_img_url'], $key + 1), 1, array(), false); } } elseif ($value == 1) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['img_url_too_big'], $key + 1, $php_maxsize), 1, array(), false); } elseif ($_FILES['img_url']['error'] == 2) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['img_url_too_big'], $key + 1, $htm_maxsize), 1, array(), false); } } } /* 4.1版本 */ else { // 商品圖片 if ($_FILES['index_banner']['tmp_name'] != 'none') { if (!$image->check_img_type($_FILES['index_banner']['type'])) { sys_msg($_LANG['invalid_goods_img'], 1, array(), false); } } // 相冊圖片 foreach ($_FILES['img_url']['tmp_name'] as $key => $value) { if ($value != 'none') { if (!$image->check_img_type($_FILES['img_url']['type'][$key])) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['invalid_img_url'], $key + 1), 1, array(), false); } } } } /* 處理商品圖片 */ $index_banner = ''; // 初始化商品圖片 $old_index_banner = ''; // 初始化原始圖片舊圖 // 如果上傳了商品圖片,相應處理 if (($_FILES['index_banner']['tmp_name'] != '' && $_FILES['index_banner']['tmp_name'] != 'none')) { if ($_REQUEST['id'] > 0) { /* 刪除原來的圖片文件 */ $sql = "SELECT index_banner " . " FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . " WHERE id = '$_REQUEST[id]'"; $row = $db->getRow($sql); if ($row['index_banner'] != '' && is_file('../' . $row['index_banner'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['index_banner']); } if ($row['original_img'] != '' && is_file('../' . $row['original_img'])) { /* 先不處理,以防止程序中途出錯停止 */ //$old_original_img = $row['original_img']; //記錄舊圖路徑 } /* 清除原來商品圖片 */ if ($proc_thumb === false) { // get_image_path($_REQUEST[goods_id], $row['goods_img'], false, 'goods', true); // get_image_path($_REQUEST[goods_id], $row['goods_thumb'], true, 'goods', true); } $original_img = $image->upload_image($_FILES['index_banner']); // 原始圖片 if ($original_img === false) { sys_msg($image->error_msg(), 1, array(), false); } $index_banner = $original_img; // 商品圖片 } } if (isset($_FILES['logo']) && $_FILES['logo']['tmp_name'] != '') { $logo = $image->upload_image($_FILES['logo']); if ($slogo === false) { sys_msg($image->error_msg(), 1, array(), false); } } if (isset($_FILES['slogo']) && $_FILES['slogo']['tmp_name'] != '') { $slogo = $image->upload_image($_FILES['slogo']); if ($slogo === false) { sys_msg($image->error_msg(), 1, array(), false); } } if (isset($_FILES['inbanner']) && $_FILES['inbanner']['tmp_name'] != '') { $inbanner = $image->upload_image($_FILES['inbanner']); if ($inbanner === false) { sys_msg($image->error_msg(), 1, array(), false); } } if (isset($_FILES['about_image']) && $_FILES['about_image']['tmp_name'] != '') { $about_image = $image->upload_image($_FILES['about_image']); if ($about_image === false) { sys_msg($image->error_msg(), 1, array(), false); } } /* 處理數據 */ $fac = '0'; if (is_array($_POST['fac'])) { foreach ($_POST['fac'] as $val) { $fac .= ',' . $val; } } $cf = $db->getRow("SELECT domain,cf_iden FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . "WHERE id=" . $_REQUEST['id']); if (strlen($cf['domain'])) { if ($cf['domain'] != $_POST['domain']) { /* 更新domain */ if (strlen($_POST['domain'])) { if (strpos($_POST['domain'], $_CFG['cf_domain']) !== false) { $sub_domain = str_replace($_CFG['cf_domain'], '', $_POST['domain']); // sub_domain是為.結束,是的話就去掉 if (substr($sub_domain, -1) == '.') { $sub_domain = substr($sub_domain, 0, -1); } include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'back/includes/cls_cloudflare.php'); $cf_obj = new cloudflare; if(strlen($cf['cf_iden'])>0){ $ret = $cf_obj->update_domain($cf['cf_iden'], trim($sub_domain)); }else{ $ad_ret = $cf_obj->add_domain(trim($sub_domain)); } if (!$ret) { sys_msg('網域自動修改失敗,請重新操作',1, array(), false); // $cf_iden = 0; } else { $cf_iden = $ad_ret; } } } } } else { if (strlen($_REQUEST['domain'])) { if (strpos($_REQUEST['domain'], $_CFG['cf_domain']) !== false) { $sub_domain = str_replace($_CFG['cf_domain'], '', $_REQUEST['domain']); // sub_domain是為.結束,是的話就去掉 if (substr($sub_domain, -1) == '.') { $sub_domain = substr($sub_domain, 0, -1); } include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'back/includes/cls_cloudflare.php'); $cf_obj = new cloudflare; $ad_ret = $cf_obj->add_domain(trim($sub_domain)); if (!$ad_ret) { sys_msg('網域自動新增失敗,請重新操作',1, array(), false); // $cf_iden = 0; } else { $cf_iden = $ad_ret; } } } else { exit; } } /* 入庫 */ if ($is_insert) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . " (domain, cname, ename, " . "tel,email,address,facebook,line, banner_text,slogon,index_banner,index_ytb,vrmap,vrmap2,location_map, " . "location_desc,about_us,mdesc,mkeyword,image1,image2,image3,facility,rm_fac," . " cstamp, ustamp)" . "VALUES ('$_POST[domain]', '$_POST[cname]','$_POST[ename]', " . "'$_POST[tel]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[address]','$_POST[facebook]','$_POST[line]','$_POST[banner_text]','$_POST[slogon]','$_POST[index_banner]','$_POST[index_ytb]','$_POST[vrmap]','$_POST[vrmap2]','$_POST[location_map]'," . "'$_POST[location_desc]','$_POST[about_us]','$_POST[mdesc]','$_POST[mkeyword]','$_POST[image1]','$_POST[image2]','$_POST[image3]','$fac','$_POST[rm_fac]'," . " '" . gmtime() . "', '" . gmtime() . "')"; } else { /* 如果有上傳圖片,刪除原來的商品圖 */ // $sql = "SELECT index_banner " . // " FROM " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . // " WHERE id = '$_REQUEST[id]'"; // $row = $db->getRow($sql); // if ($row['index_banner']) // { // @unlink(ROOT_PATH . $row['index_banner']); // } $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('hs_web') . " SET " . "cname = '$_POST[cname]', " . "ename = '$_POST[ename]', " . "domain = '$_POST[domain]', " . "tel = '$_POST[tel]', " . "email = '$_POST[email]', " . "address = '$_POST[address]', " . "facebook = '$_POST[facebook]', " . "line = '$_POST[line]', " . "slogon = '$_POST[slogon]', " . "index_ytb = '$_POST[index_ytb]', " . "vrmap = '$_POST[vrmap]', " . "vrmap2 = '$_POST[vrmap2]', " . "facebook = '$_POST[facebook]', " . "banner_text = '$_POST[banner_text]', " . "aboutus = '$_POST[aboutus]', " . "facility = '$fac', " . "location_desc = '$_POST[location_desc]', " . "location_map = '$_POST[location_map]', "; /* 如果有上傳圖片,需要更新數據庫 */ if ($index_banner) { $sql .= "index_banner = '$index_banner', "; } if ($logo) { $sql .= "logo = '$logo', "; } if ($slogo) { $sql .= "slogo = '$slogo', "; } if ($inbanner) { $sql .= "inbanner = '$inbanner', "; } if ($about_image) { $sql .= "about_image = '$about_image', "; } if (strlen($cf_iden) > 0) { $sql .= "cf_iden = '$cf_iden', "; } $sql .= "mdesc = '$_POST[mdesc]', " . "mkeyword = '$_POST[mkeyword]', " . "ustamp = '" . gmtime() . "' " . "WHERE id = '$_REQUEST[id]' LIMIT 1"; } $db->query($sql); /* 商品編號 */ $id = $is_insert ? $db->insert_id() : $_REQUEST['id']; /* 記錄日誌 */ if ($is_insert) { //admin_log($_POST['goods_name'], 'add', 'goods'); } else { //admin_log($_POST['goods_name'], 'edit', 'goods'); } handle_gallery_image($_SESSION['user_id'], $_FILES['img_url'], $_POST['img_desc']); if (!$is_insert && isset($_POST['old_img_desc'])) { foreach ($_POST['old_img_desc'] as $img_id => $img_desc) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('hs_gallery') . " SET img_desc = '$img_desc' WHERE img_id = '$img_id' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); } } /* 不保留商品原圖的時候刪除原圖 */ // if ($proc_thumb && !$_CFG['retain_original_img'] && !empty($original_img)) // { // $db->query("UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods') . " SET original_img='' WHERE `goods_id`='{$goods_id}'"); // $db->query("UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_gallery') . " SET img_original='' WHERE `goods_id`='{$goods_id}'"); // @unlink('../' . $original_img); // @unlink('../' . $img); // } /* 清空緩存 */ clear_cache_files(); if ($is_insert) { $link[0] = add_link(); } $link[1] = list_link($is_insert); //$key_array = array_keys($link); for ($i = 0; $i < count($link); $i++) { $key_array[] = $i; } krsort($link); $link = array_combine($key_array, $link); sys_msg('更新成功', 0, $link); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 批量操作 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'batch') { $code = empty($_REQUEST['extension_code']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['extension_code']); /* 取得要操作的商品編號 */ $goods_id = !empty($_POST['checkboxes']) ? join(',', $_POST['checkboxes']) : 0; if (isset($_POST['type'])) { /* 放入回收站 */ if ($_POST['type'] == 'trash') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('remove_back'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_delete', '1'); /* 記錄日誌 */ admin_log('', 'batch_trash', 'goods'); } /* 上架 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'on_sale') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_on_sale', '1'); } /* 下架 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'not_on_sale') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_on_sale', '0'); } /* 設為精品 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'best') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_best', '1'); } /* 取消精品 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'not_best') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_best', '0'); } /* 設為新品 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'new') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_new', '1'); } /* 取消新品 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'not_new') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_new', '0'); } /* 設為熱銷 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'hot') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_hot', '1'); } /* 取消熱銷 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'not_hot') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_hot', '0'); } /* 轉移到分類 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'move_to') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'cat_id', $_POST['target_cat']); } /* 轉移到供貨商 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'suppliers_move_to') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('goods_manage'); update_goods($goods_id, 'suppliers_id', $_POST['suppliers_id']); } /* 還原 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'restore') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('remove_back'); update_goods($goods_id, 'is_delete', '0'); /* 記錄日誌 */ admin_log('', 'batch_restore', 'goods'); } /* 刪除 */ elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'drop') { /* 檢查權限 */ admin_priv('remove_back'); delete_goods($goods_id); /* 記錄日誌 */ admin_log('', 'batch_remove', 'goods'); } } /* 清除緩存 */ clear_cache_files(); if ($_POST['type'] == 'drop' || $_POST['type'] == 'restore') { $link[] = array('href' => 'goods.php?act=trash', 'text' => $_LANG['11_goods_trash']); } else { $link[] = list_link(true, $code); } sys_msg($_LANG['batch_handle_ok'], 0, $link); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 顯示圖片 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'show_image') { // $img_url = $_GET['img_url']; $img_url = '../' . $_GET['img_url']; $smarty->assign('img_url', $img_url); $smarty->display('show_image.htm'); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改商品名稱 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_goods_name') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $goods_name = json_str_iconv(trim($_POST['val'])); if ($exc->edit("goods_name = '$goods_name', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result(stripslashes($goods_name)); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改商品貨號 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_goods_sn') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $goods_sn = json_str_iconv(trim($_POST['val'])); /* 檢查是否重複 */ if (!$exc->is_only('goods_sn', $goods_sn, $goods_id)) { make_json_error($_LANG['goods_sn_exists']); } if ($exc->edit("goods_sn = '$goods_sn', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result(stripslashes($goods_sn)); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'check_goods_sn') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['goods_id']); $goods_sn = htmlspecialchars(json_str_iconv(trim($_REQUEST['goods_sn']))); /* 檢查是否重複 */ if (!$exc->is_only('goods_sn', $goods_sn, $goods_id)) { make_json_error($_LANG['goods_sn_exists']); } make_json_result(''); } elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'check_products_goods_sn') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['goods_id']); $goods_sn = json_str_iconv(trim($_REQUEST['goods_sn'])); $products_sn = explode('||', $goods_sn); if (!is_array($products_sn)) { make_json_result(''); } else { foreach ($products_sn as $val) { if (empty($val)) { continue; } if (is_array($int_arry)) { if (in_array($val, $int_arry)) { make_json_error($val . $_LANG['goods_sn_exists']); } } $int_arry[] = $val; if (!$exc->is_only('goods_sn', $val, '0')) { make_json_error($val . $_LANG['goods_sn_exists']); } } } /* 檢查是否重複 */ make_json_result(''); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改商品價格 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_goods_price') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $goods_price = floatval($_POST['val']); if ($goods_price < 0 || $goods_price == 0 && $_POST['val'] != "$goods_price") { make_json_error($_LANG['shop_price_invalid']); } else { if ($exc->edit("shop_price = '$goods_price', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result(number_format($goods_price, 0, '.', '')); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改商品庫存數量 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_goods_number') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $goods_num = intval($_POST['val']); if ($goods_num < 0 || $goods_num == 0 && $_POST['val'] != "$goods_num") { make_json_error($_LANG['goods_number_error']); } if (check_goods_product_exist($goods_id) == 1) { make_json_error($_LANG['sys']['wrong'] . $_LANG['cannot_goods_number']); } if ($exc->edit("goods_number = '$goods_num', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($goods_num); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改上架狀態 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'toggle_on_sale') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $on_sale = intval($_POST['val']); if ($exc->edit("is_on_sale = '$on_sale', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($on_sale); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改精品推薦狀態 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'toggle_best') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $is_best = intval($_POST['val']); if ($exc->edit("is_best = '$is_best', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($is_best); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改新品推薦狀態 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'toggle_new') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $is_new = intval($_POST['val']); if ($exc->edit("is_new = '$is_new', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($is_new); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改熱銷推薦狀態 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'toggle_hot') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $is_hot = intval($_POST['val']); if ($exc->edit("is_hot = '$is_hot', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($is_hot); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改商品排序 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_sort_order') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = intval($_POST['id']); $sort_order = intval($_POST['val']); if ($exc->edit("sort_order = '$sort_order', last_update=" . gmtime(), $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($sort_order); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 排序、分頁、查詢 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'query') { $is_delete = empty($_REQUEST['is_delete']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['is_delete']); $code = empty($_REQUEST['extension_code']) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST['extension_code']); $goods_list = goods_list($is_delete, ($code == '') ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('code', $code); $smarty->assign('goods_list', $goods_list['goods']); $smarty->assign('filter', $goods_list['filter']); $smarty->assign('record_count', $goods_list['record_count']); $smarty->assign('page_count', $goods_list['page_count']); $smarty->assign('list_type', $is_delete ? 'trash' : 'goods'); $smarty->assign('use_storage', empty($_CFG['use_storage']) ? 0 : 1); /* 排序標記 */ $sort_flag = sort_flag($goods_list['filter']); $smarty->assign($sort_flag['tag'], $sort_flag['img']); /* 獲取商品類型存在規格的類型 */ $tpl = $is_delete ? 'goods_trash.htm' : 'goods_list.htm'; make_json_result( $smarty->fetch($tpl), '', array('filter' => $goods_list['filter'], 'page_count' => $goods_list['page_count']) ); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 放入回收站 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'remove') { $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); /* 檢查權限 */ check_authz_json('remove_back'); if ($exc->edit("is_delete = 1", $goods_id)) { clear_cache_files(); $goods_name = $exc->get_name($goods_id); admin_log(addslashes($goods_name), 'trash', 'goods'); // 記錄日誌 $url = 'goods.php?act=query&' . str_replace('act=remove', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ecs_header("Location: $url\n"); exit; } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 還原回收站中的商品 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'restore_goods') { $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); check_authz_json('remove_back'); // 檢查權限 $exc->edit("is_delete = 0, add_time = '" . gmtime() . "'", $goods_id); clear_cache_files(); $goods_name = $exc->get_name($goods_id); admin_log(addslashes($goods_name), 'restore', 'goods'); // 記錄日誌 $url = 'goods.php?act=query&' . str_replace('act=restore_goods', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ecs_header("Location: $url\n"); exit; } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 徹底刪除商品 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'drop_goods') { // 檢查權限 check_authz_json('remove_back'); // 取得參數 $goods_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if ($goods_id <= 0) { make_json_error('invalid params'); } /* 取得商品信息 */ $sql = "SELECT goods_id, goods_name, is_delete, is_real, goods_thumb, " . "goods_img, original_img " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $goods = $db->getRow($sql); if (empty($goods)) { make_json_error($_LANG['goods_not_exist']); } if ($goods['is_delete'] != 1) { make_json_error($_LANG['goods_not_in_recycle_bin']); } /* 刪除商品圖片和輪播圖片 */ if (!empty($goods['goods_thumb'])) { @unlink('../' . $goods['goods_thumb']); } if (!empty($goods['goods_img'])) { @unlink('../' . $goods['goods_img']); } if (!empty($goods['original_img'])) { @unlink('../' . $goods['original_img']); } /* 刪除商品 */ $exc->drop($goods_id); /* 記錄日誌 */ admin_log(addslashes($goods['goods_name']), 'remove', 'goods'); /* 刪除商品相冊 */ $sql = "SELECT img_url, thumb_url, img_original " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_gallery') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $res = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { if (!empty($row['img_url'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['img_url']); } if (!empty($row['thumb_url'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['thumb_url']); } if (!empty($row['img_original'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['img_original']); } } $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_gallery') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); /* 刪除相關表記錄 */ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('collect_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_article') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_cat') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('member_price') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('group_goods') . " WHERE parent_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('group_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " WHERE link_goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('tag') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('comment') . " WHERE comment_type = 0 AND id_value = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('collect_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('booking_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; $db->query($sql); /* 如果不是實體商品,刪除相應虛擬商品記錄 */ if ($goods['is_real'] != 1) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('virtual_card') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'"; if (!$db->query($sql, 'SILENT') && $db->errno() != 1146) { die($db->error()); } } clear_cache_files(); $url = 'goods.php?act=query&' . str_replace('act=drop_goods', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ecs_header("Location: $url\n"); exit; } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 切換商品類型 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'get_attr') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $goods_id = empty($_GET['goods_id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['goods_id']); $goods_type = empty($_GET['goods_type']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['goods_type']); $content = build_attr_html($goods_type, $goods_id); make_json_result($content); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 刪除圖片 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'drop_image') { // check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $img_id = empty($_REQUEST['img_id']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['img_id']); /* 刪除圖片文件 */ $sql = "SELECT img_url, thumb_url, img_original " . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('hs_gallery') . " WHERE img_id = '$img_id'"; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); if ($row['img_url'] != '' && is_file('../' . $row['img_url'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['img_url']); } if ($row['thumb_url'] != '' && is_file('../' . $row['thumb_url'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['thumb_url']); } if ($row['img_original'] != '' && is_file('../' . $row['img_original'])) { @unlink('../' . $row['img_original']); } /* 刪除數據 */ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('hs_gallery') . " WHERE img_id = '$img_id' LIMIT 1"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($img_id); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 搜索商品,僅返回名稱及ID /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'get_goods_list') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $filters = $json->decode($_GET['JSON']); $arr = get_goods_list($filters); $opt = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { $opt[] = array( 'value' => $val['goods_id'], 'text' => $val['goods_name'], 'data' => $val['shop_price'] ); } make_json_result($opt); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 把商品加入關聯 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'add_link_goods') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $linked_array = $json->decode($_GET['add_ids']); $linked_goods = $json->decode($_GET['JSON']); $goods_id = $linked_goods[0]; $is_double = $linked_goods[1] == true ? 0 : 1; foreach ($linked_array as $val) { if ($is_double) { /* 雙向關聯 */ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " (goods_id, link_goods_id, is_double, admin_id) " . "VALUES ('$val', '$goods_id', '$is_double', '$_SESSION[admin_id]')"; $db->query($sql, 'SILENT'); } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " (goods_id, link_goods_id, is_double, admin_id) " . "VALUES ('$goods_id', '$val', '$is_double', '$_SESSION[admin_id]')"; $db->query($sql, 'SILENT'); } $linked_goods = get_linked_goods($goods_id); $options = array(); foreach ($linked_goods as $val) { $options[] = array( 'value' => $val['goods_id'], 'text' => $val['goods_name'], 'data' => '' ); } clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($options); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 刪除關聯商品 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'drop_link_goods') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $drop_goods = $json->decode($_GET['drop_ids']); $drop_goods_ids = db_create_in($drop_goods); $linked_goods = $json->decode($_GET['JSON']); $goods_id = $linked_goods[0]; $is_signle = $linked_goods[1]; if (!$is_signle) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " WHERE link_goods_id = '$goods_id' AND goods_id " . $drop_goods_ids; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " SET is_double = 0 " . " WHERE link_goods_id = '$goods_id' AND goods_id " . $drop_goods_ids; } if ($goods_id == 0) { $sql .= " AND admin_id = '$_SESSION[admin_id]'"; } $db->query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('link_goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id' AND link_goods_id " . $drop_goods_ids; if ($goods_id == 0) { $sql .= " AND admin_id = '$_SESSION[admin_id]'"; } $db->query($sql); $linked_goods = get_linked_goods($goods_id); $options = array(); foreach ($linked_goods as $val) { $options[] = array( 'value' => $val['goods_id'], 'text' => $val['goods_name'], 'data' => '' ); } clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($options); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 增加一個配件 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'add_group_goods') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $fittings = $json->decode($_GET['add_ids']); $arguments = $json->decode($_GET['JSON']); $goods_id = $arguments[0]; $price = $arguments[1]; foreach ($fittings as $val) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $ecs->table('group_goods') . " (parent_id, goods_id, goods_price, admin_id) " . "VALUES ('$goods_id', '$val', '$price', '$_SESSION[admin_id]')"; $db->query($sql, 'SILENT'); } $arr = get_group_goods($goods_id); $opt = array(); foreach ($arr as $val) { $opt[] = array( 'value' => $val['goods_id'], 'text' => $val['goods_name'], 'data' => '' ); } clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($opt); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 刪除一個配件 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'drop_group_goods') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $fittings = $json->decode($_GET['drop_ids']); $arguments = $json->decode($_GET['JSON']); $goods_id = $arguments[0]; $price = $arguments[1]; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('group_goods') . " WHERE parent_id='$goods_id' AND " . db_create_in($fittings, 'goods_id'); if ($goods_id == 0) { $sql .= " AND admin_id = '$_SESSION[admin_id]'"; } $db->query($sql); $arr = get_group_goods($goods_id); $opt = array(); foreach ($arr as $val) { $opt[] = array( 'value' => $val['goods_id'], 'text' => $val['goods_name'], 'data' => '' ); } clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($opt); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 搜索文章 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'get_article_list') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); $json = new JSON; $filters = (array) $json->decode(json_str_iconv($_GET['JSON'])); $where = " WHERE cat_id > 0 "; if (!empty($filters['title'])) { $keyword = trim($filters['title']); $where .= " AND title LIKE '%" . mysql_like_quote($keyword) . "%' "; } $sql = 'SELECT article_id, title FROM ' . $ecs->table('article') . $where . 'ORDER BY article_id DESC LIMIT 50'; $res = $db->query($sql); $arr = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { $arr[] = array('value' => $row['article_id'], 'text' => $row['title'], 'data' => ''); } make_json_result($arr); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 貨品刪除 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'product_remove') { /* 檢查權限 */ check_authz_json('remove_back'); /* 是否存在商品id */ if (empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { make_json_error($_LANG['product_id_null']); } else { $product_id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); } /* 貨品庫存 */ $product = get_product_info($product_id, 'product_number, goods_id'); /* 刪除貨品 */ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $ecs->table('products') . " WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result) { /* 修改商品庫存 */ if (update_goods_stock($product['goods_id'], $product_number - $product['product_number'])) { //記錄日誌 admin_log('', 'update', 'goods'); } //記錄日誌 admin_log('', 'trash', 'products'); $url = 'goods.php?act=product_query&' . str_replace('act=product_remove', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); ecs_header("Location: $url\n"); exit; } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 修改貨品價格 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit_product_sn') { check_authz_json('goods_manage'); $product_id = intval($_POST['id']); $product_sn = json_str_iconv(trim($_POST['val'])); $product_sn = ($_LANG['n_a'] == $product_sn) ? '' : $product_sn; if (check_product_sn_exist($product_sn, $product_id)) { make_json_error($_LANG['sys']['wrong'] . $_LANG['exist_same_product_sn']); } /* 修改 */ $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('products') . " SET product_sn = '$product_sn' WHERE product_id = '$product_id'"; $result = $db->query($sql); if ($result) { clear_cache_files(); make_json_result($product_sn); } } /** * 列表鏈接 * @param bool $is_add 是否添加(插入) * @param string $extension_code 虛擬商品擴展代碼,實體商品為空 * @return array('href' => $href, 'text' => $text) */ function list_link() { $href = 'homestay.php?act=edit'; $text = '網站內容'; return array('href' => $href, 'text' => $text); } /** * 添加鏈接 * @param string $extension_code 虛擬商品擴展代碼,實體商品為空 * @return array('href' => $href, 'text' => $text) */ function add_link() { $href = 'homestay.php?act=edit'; $text = '網站內容'; return array('href' => $href, 'text' => $text); } /** * 檢查圖片網址是否合法 * * @param string $url 網址 * * @return boolean */ function goods_parse_url($url) { $parse_url = @parse_url($url); return (!empty($parse_url['scheme']) && !empty($parse_url['host'])); } function get_fac_list($myfac = '') { $arr_fac = explode(",", $myfac); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('facility') . "WHERE is_show = 1 order by sort_order,id"; $result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (in_array($result[$i]['id'], $arr_fac)) { $result[$i]['selected'] = 1; } else { $result[$i]['selected'] = 0; } } return $result; }