get_session_id(); $auth = time(); $ac = md5($certi_id.'SHOPEX_SMS'.$auth); $url = ''.$certi_id.'&sess_id='.$sess_id.'&auth='.$auth.'&ac='.$ac; /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 列表编辑 ?act=list_edit /*------------------------------------------------------ */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'list_edit') { /* 检查权限 */ admin_priv('shop_config'); /* 可选语言 */ $dir = opendir('../languages'); $lang_list = array(); while (@$file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.svn' && $file != '_svn' && is_dir('../languages/' .$file)) { $lang_list[] = $file; } } @closedir($dir); $smarty->assign('lang_list', $lang_list); $smarty->assign('ur_here', $_LANG['01_shop_config']); $smarty->assign('group_list', get_settings(null, array('5'))); // $smarty->assign('countries', get_regions()); if (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), 'iis') !== false) { $rewrite_confirm = $_LANG['rewrite_confirm_iis']; } else { $rewrite_confirm = $_LANG['rewrite_confirm_apache']; } $smarty->assign('rewrite_confirm', $rewrite_confirm); if ($_CFG['shop_country'] > 0) { $smarty->assign('provinces', get_regions(1, $_CFG['shop_country'])); if ($_CFG['shop_province']) { $smarty->assign('cities', get_regions(2, $_CFG['shop_province'])); } } $smarty->assign('cfg', $_CFG); assign_query_info(); $demo_data['mobile'] = '13812345678'; $demo_data['name'] = '张三'; $demo_data['order_sn'] = '12345678978945'; $demo_data['order_amount'] = '65.00'; $demo_data['delivery_time'] = '4月30号'; $demo_data['sms_sign'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name']; foreach ($demo_data as $k=>$v) $demo_data[$k] = sprintf("%s",$v); require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$_CFG['lang']. '/common.php'); require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$_CFG['lang']. '/shopping_flow.php'); // require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'languages/' .$_CFG['lang']. '/admin/order.php'); $demo_sms_info['sms_order_placed'] = sprintf($_LANG['order_placed_sms'], $demo_data['name'], $demo_data['mobile']); $demo_sms_info['sms_order_payed'] = sprintf($_LANG['order_payed_sms'], $demo_data['order_sn'], $demo_data['name'], $demo_data['mobile']); $demo_sms_info['sms_order_payed_to_customer'] = sprintf($_LANG['order_payed_to_customer_sms'], $demo_data['order_sn'], $demo_data['order_amount']); $demo_sms_info['sms_order_shipped'] = sprintf($_LANG['order_shipped_sms'], $demo_data['order_sn'], $demo_data['delivery_time'], $demo_data['sms_sign']); $smarty->assign('demo_sms_info',$demo_sms_info); $smarty->display('shop_config.htm'); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 邮件服务器设置 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'mail_settings') { /* 检查权限 */ admin_priv('shop_config'); $arr = get_settings(array(5)); assign_query_info(); $smarty->assign('ur_here', $_LANG['mail_settings']); $smarty->assign('cfg', $arr[5]['vars']); $smarty->display('shop_config_mail_settings.htm'); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 提交 ?act=post /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'post') { $type = empty($_POST['type']) ? '' : $_POST['type']; /* 检查权限 */ admin_priv('shop_config'); /* 允许上传的文件类型 */ $allow_file_types = '|GIF|JPG|PNG|BMP|SWF|DOC|XLS|PPT|MID|WAV|ZIP|RAR|PDF|CHM|RM|TXT|CERT|'; /* 保存变量值 */ $count = count($_POST['value']); $arr = array(); $sql = 'SELECT id, value FROM ' . $ecs->table('shop_config'); $res= $db->query($sql); while($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { $arr[$row['id']] = $row['value']; } foreach ($_POST['value'] AS $key => $val) { if($arr[$key] != $val) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('shop_config') . " SET value = '" . trim($val) . "' WHERE id = '" . $key . "'"; $db->query($sql); } } if( isset($_POST['value']['247']) and $_POST['value']['247'] ){ include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_certificate.php'); $cert = new certificate(); if( false == $cert->open_logistics_trace() ){ $links[] = array('text' => $_LANG['back_shop_config'], 'href' => 'shop_config.php?act=list_edit'); sys_msg($_LANG['open_logistics_trace_fail'], 0, $links); } } /* 处理上传文件 */ $file_var_list = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $ecs->table('shop_config') . " WHERE parent_id > 0 AND type = 'file'"; $res = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { $file_var_list[$row['code']] = $row; } foreach ($_FILES AS $code => $file) { /* 判断用户是否选择了文件 */ if ((isset($file['error']) && $file['error'] == 0) || (!isset($file['error']) && $file['tmp_name'] != 'none')) { /* 检查上传的文件类型是否合法 */ if (!check_file_type($file['tmp_name'], $file['name'], $allow_file_types)) { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['msg_invalid_file'], $file['name'])); } else { if ($code == 'shop_logo') { include_once('includes/lib_template.php'); $info = get_template_info($_CFG['template']); $file_name = str_replace('{$template}', $_CFG['template'], $file_var_list[$code]['store_dir']) . $info['logo']; } elseif ($code == 'watermark') { $file_name_arr = explode('.', $file['name']); $ext = array_pop($file_name_arr); $file_name = $file_var_list[$code]['store_dir'] . 'watermark.' . $ext; if (file_exists($file_var_list[$code]['value'])) { @unlink($file_var_list[$code]['value']); } } elseif($code == 'wap_logo') { $file_name_arr = explode('.', $file['name']); $ext = array_pop($file_name_arr); $file_name = $file_var_list[$code]['store_dir'] . 'wap_logo.' . $ext; if (file_exists($file_var_list[$code]['value'])) { @unlink($file_var_list[$code]['value']); } } else { $file_name = $file_var_list[$code]['store_dir'] . $file['name']; } /* 判断是否上传成功 */ if (move_upload_file($file['tmp_name'], $file_name)) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('shop_config') . " SET value = '$file_name' WHERE code = '$code'"; $db->query($sql); } else { sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['msg_upload_failed'], $file['name'], $file_var_list[$code]['store_dir'])); } } } } /* 处理发票类型及税率 */ if (!empty($_POST['invoice_rate'])) { foreach ($_POST['invoice_rate'] as $key => $rate) { $rate = round(floatval($rate), 2); if ($rate < 0) { $rate = 0; } $_POST['invoice_rate'][$key] = $rate; } $invoice = array( 'type' => $_POST['invoice_type'], 'rate' => $_POST['invoice_rate'] ); $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('shop_config') . " SET value = '" . serialize($invoice) . "' WHERE code = 'invoice_type'"; $db->query($sql); } /* 记录日志 */ admin_log('', 'edit', 'shop_config'); /* 清除缓存 */ clear_all_files(); $_CFG = load_config(); // $shop_country = $db->getOne("SELECT region_name FROM ".$ecs->table('region')." WHERE region_id='$_CFG[shop_country]'"); // $shop_province = $db->getOne("SELECT region_name FROM ".$ecs->table('region')." WHERE region_id='$_CFG[shop_province]'"); // $shop_city = $db->getOne("SELECT region_name FROM ".$ecs->table('region')." WHERE region_id='$_CFG[shop_city]'"); $spt = ''; if ($type == 'mail_setting') { $links[] = array('text' => $_LANG['back_mail_settings'], 'href' => 'shop_config.php?act=mail_settings'); sys_msg($_LANG['mail_save_success'].$spt, 0, $links); } else { $links[] = array('text' => $_LANG['back_shop_config'], 'href' => 'shop_config.php?act=list_edit'); sys_msg($_LANG['save_success'].$spt, 0, $links); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 发送测试邮件 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'send_test_email') { /* 检查权限 */ check_authz_json('shop_config'); /* 取得参数 */ $email = trim($_POST['email']); /* 更新配置 */ $_CFG['mail_service'] = intval($_POST['mail_service']); $_CFG['smtp_host'] = trim($_POST['smtp_host']); $_CFG['smtp_port'] = trim($_POST['smtp_port']); $_CFG['smtp_user'] = json_str_iconv(trim($_POST['smtp_user'])); $_CFG['smtp_pass'] = trim($_POST['smtp_pass']); $_CFG['smtp_mail'] = trim($_POST['reply_email']); $_CFG['mail_charset'] = trim($_POST['mail_charset']); if (send_mail('', $email, $_LANG['test_mail_title'], $_LANG['cfg_name']['email_content'], 0)) { make_json_result('', $_LANG['sendemail_success'] . $email); } else { make_json_error(join("\n", $err->_message)); } } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 删除上传文件 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'del') { /* 检查权限 */ check_authz_json('shop_config'); /* 取得参数 */ $code = trim($_GET['code']); $filename = $_CFG[$code]; //删除文件 @unlink($filename); //更新设置 update_configure($code, ''); /* 记录日志 */ admin_log('', 'edit', 'shop_config'); /* 清除缓存 */ clear_all_files(); sys_msg($_LANG['save_success'], 0); } /** * 设置系统设置 * * @param string $key * @param string $val * * @return boolean */ function update_configure($key, $val='') { if (!empty($key)) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('shop_config') . " SET value='$val' WHERE code='$key'"; return $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } return true; } /** * 获得设置信息 * * @param array $groups 需要获得的设置组 * @param array $excludes 不需要获得的设置组 * * @return array */ function get_settings($groups=null, $excludes=null) { global $db, $ecs, $_LANG; $config_groups = ''; $excludes_groups = ''; if (!empty($groups)) { foreach ($groups AS $key=>$val) { $config_groups .= " AND (id='$val' OR parent_id='$val')"; } } if (!empty($excludes)) { foreach ($excludes AS $key=>$val) { $excludes_groups .= " AND (parent_id<>'$val' AND id<>'$val')"; } } /* 取出全部数据:分组和变量 */ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $ecs->table('shop_config') . " WHERE type<>'hidden' $config_groups $excludes_groups ORDER BY parent_id, sort_order, id"; $item_list = $db->getAll($sql); /* 整理数据 */ $group_list = array(); foreach ($item_list AS $key => $item) { $pid = $item['parent_id']; $item['name'] = isset($_LANG['cfg_name'][$item['code']]) ? $_LANG['cfg_name'][$item['code']] : $item['code']; $item['desc'] = isset($_LANG['cfg_desc'][$item['code']]) ? $_LANG['cfg_desc'][$item['code']] : ''; if ($item['code'] == 'sms_shop_mobile') { $item['url'] = 1; } if ($pid == 0) { /* 分组 */ if ($item['type'] == 'group') { $group_list[$item['id']] = $item; } } else { /* 变量 */ if (isset($group_list[$pid])) { if ($item['store_range']) { $item['store_options'] = explode(',', $item['store_range']); foreach ($item['store_options'] AS $k => $v) { $item['display_options'][$k] = isset($_LANG['cfg_range'][$item['code']][$v]) ? $_LANG['cfg_range'][$item['code']][$v] : $v; } } $group_list[$pid]['vars'][] = $item; } } } return $group_list; } ?>