751 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
751 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
if (!defined('IN_ECS'))
die('Hacking attempt');
* 获取某用户的缺货登记列表
* @access public
* @param int $goods_id 商品ID
* @return array $info
function get_goodsinfo($goods_id)
$info = array();
$sql = "SELECT goods_name FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " WHERE goods_id = '$goods_id'";
$info['goods_name'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
$info['goods_number'] = 1;
$info['id'] = $goods_id;
if (!empty($_SESSION['user_id']))
$row = array();
$sql = "SELECT ua.consignee, ua.email, ua.tel, ua.mobile ".
"FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_address')." AS ua, ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users')." AS u".
" WHERE u.address_id = ua.address_id AND u.user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'";
$row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql) ;
$info['consignee'] = empty($row['consignee']) ? '' : $row['consignee'];
$info['email'] = empty($row['email']) ? '' : $row['email'];
$info['tel'] = empty($row['mobile']) ? (empty($row['tel']) ? '' : $row['tel']) : $row['mobile'];
return $info;
* 验证删除某个收藏商品
* @access public
* @param int $booking_id 缺货登记的ID
* @param int $user_id 会员的ID
* @return boolen $bool
function delete_booking($booking_id, $user_id)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('booking_goods').
" WHERE rec_id = '$booking_id' AND user_id = '$user_id'";
return $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
* 添加缺货登记记录到数据表
* @access public
* @param array $booking
* @return void
function add_booking($booking)
$sql = "INSERT INTO " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('booking_goods').
" VALUES ('', '$_SESSION[user_id]', '$booking[email]', '$booking[linkman]', ".
"'$booking[tel]', '$booking[goods_id]', '$booking[desc]', ".
"'$booking[goods_amount]', '".gmtime()."', 0, '', 0, '')";
$GLOBALS['db']->query($sql) or die ($GLOBALS['db']->errorMsg());
return $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
function add_user_real($real)
$sql = "INSERT INTO " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_real').
" VALUES ('$_SESSION[user_id]', '$real[user_name]', '$real[user_idno]', ".
"'$real[apply_date]', '$real[site]', '$real[apply_reason]' , '0')";
$GLOBALS['db']->query($sql) or die ($GLOBALS['db']->errorMsg());
return true;
* 插入会员账目明细
* @access public
* @param array $surplus 会员余额信息
* @param string $amount 余额
* @return int
function insert_user_account($surplus, $amount)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_account').
' (user_id, admin_user, amount, add_time, expire_time,paid_time, admin_note, user_note, process_type, payment, tran_out , tran_in , is_paid)'.
" VALUES ('$surplus[user_id]', '', '$amount', '".gmtime()."', '".(gmtime()+43200)."', 0, '', '$surplus[user_note]', '$surplus[process_type]', '$surplus[payment]',$surplus[tran_out],$surplus[tran_in], 0)";
return $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
* 更新会员账目明细
* @access public
* @param array $surplus 会员余额信息
* @return int
function update_user_account($surplus)
$sql = 'UPDATE ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_account'). ' SET '.
"amount = '$surplus[amount]', ".
"user_note = '$surplus[user_note]', ".
"payment = '$surplus[payment]' ".
"WHERE id = '$surplus[rec_id]'";
return $surplus['rec_id'];
* 将支付LOG插入数据表
* @access public
* @param integer $id 订单编号
* @param float $amount 订单金额
* @param integer $type 支付类型
* @param integer $is_paid 是否已支付
* @return int
function insert_pay_log($id, $amount, $type = PAY_SURPLUS, $is_paid = 0)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pay_log')." (order_id, order_amount, order_type, is_paid)".
" VALUES ('$id', '$amount', '$type', '$is_paid')";
return $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id();
* 取得上次未支付的pay_lig_id
* @access public
* @param array $surplus_id 余额记录的ID
* @param array $pay_type 支付的类型:预付款/订单支付
* @return int
function get_paylog_id($surplus_id, $pay_type = PAY_SURPLUS)
$sql = 'SELECT log_id FROM' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pay_log').
" WHERE order_id = '$surplus_id' AND order_type = '$pay_type' AND is_paid = 0";
return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
* 根据ID获取当前余额操作信息
* @access public
* @param int $surplus_id 会员余额的ID
* @return int
function get_surplus_info($surplus_id)
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_account').
" WHERE id = '$surplus_id'";
return $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
* 取得已安装的支付方式(其中不包括线下支付的)
* @param bool $include_balance 是否包含余额支付(冲值时不应包括)
* @return array 已安装的配送方式列表
function get_online_payment_list($pay_group = 0)
$sql = 'SELECT pay_id, pay_code, pay_name, pay_fee, pay_desc ,target ' .
'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('payment') .
" WHERE enabled = 1 ";
$sql .= " AND pay_group = ".$pay_group;
$modules = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
return $modules;
* 查询会员余额的操作记录
* @access public
* @param int $user_id 会员ID
* @param int $num 每页显示数量
* @param int $start 开始显示的条数
* @return array
function get_account_log($user_id, $num, $start)
$account_log = array();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_account').
" WHERE user_id = '$user_id'" .
" AND process_type " . db_create_in(array(SURPLUS_SAVE, SURPLUS_RETURN,2,5)) .
" ORDER BY add_time DESC";
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->selectLimit($sql, $num, $start);
if ($res)
while ($rows = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res))
$rows['add_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $rows['add_time']);
$rows['admin_note'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($rows['admin_note']));
$rows['short_admin_note'] = ($rows['admin_note'] > '') ? sub_str($rows['admin_note'], 30) : '';
$rows['user_note'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($rows['user_note']));
$rows['short_user_note'] = ($rows['user_note'] > '') ? sub_str($rows['user_note'], 30) : '';
if($rows['expire_time']==0 && $rows['is_paid'] == 0){
if($rows['is_paid'] == 1){
$rows['pay_status'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['is_confirm'];
}elseif($rows['is_paid'] == 0){
$rows['pay_status'] = '等待付款';
}elseif($rows['is_paid'] == 2){
$rows['pay_status'] = '取消';
}elseif($rows['is_paid'] == 3){
$rows['pay_status'] = '等待付款'; //付款會到凍結帳戶中
}elseif($rows['is_paid'] == 4){
$rows['pay_status'] = '等待付款'; //付款會到凍結帳戶中
}elseif($rows['is_paid'] == 5){
$rows['pay_status'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['is_confirm']; //付款會到凍結帳戶中
$rows['amount'] = price_format(abs($rows['amount']), false);
$rows['tran_out'] = get_gamename_by_id($rows['tran_out']);
$rows['tran_in'] = get_gamename_by_id($rows['tran_in']);
/* 会员的操作类型: 冲值,提现 */
if ($rows['process_type'] == 0)
$rows['type'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['surplus_type_0'];
elseif ($rows['process_type'] == 1)
$rows['type'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['surplus_type_1'];
}elseif ($rows['process_type'] == 2){
$rows['type'] = $GLOBALS['_LANG']['surplus_type_2'];
}elseif ($rows['process_type'] == 5){
$rows['type'] = '返水紅利';
/* 支付方式的ID */
$sql = 'SELECT pay_id FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('payment').
" WHERE pay_name = '$rows[payment]' AND enabled = 1";
$pid = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
/* 如果是预付款而且还没有付款, 允许付款 */
if (($rows['is_paid'] == 0) && ($rows['process_type'] == 0))
$rows['handle'] = '<a href="user.php?act=pay&id='.$rows['id'].'&pid='.$pid.'">'.$GLOBALS['_LANG']['pay'].'</a>';
/* 處理內容 */
if ($rows['process_type'] == 0)
$rows['payment'] = $rows['payment'];
elseif ($rows['process_type'] == 1)
$rows['payment'] = '電子錢包';
elseif ($rows['process_type'] == 2){
$rows['payment'] = $rows['tran_out']." 到 ".$rows['tran_in'];
$account_log[] = $rows;
return $account_log;
return false;
* 删除未确认的会员帐目信息
* @access public
* @param int $rec_id 会员余额记录的ID
* @param int $user_id 会员的ID
* @return boolen
function del_user_account($rec_id, $user_id)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_account').
" WHERE is_paid = 0 AND id = '$rec_id' AND user_id = '$user_id'";
return $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
* 查询会员余额的数量
* @access public
* @param int $user_id 会员ID
* @return int
function get_user_surplus($user_id)
// $sql = "SELECT SUM(user_money) FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('account_log').
// " WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
$sql = "SELECT user_money FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users').
" WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
* 获取用户中心默认页面所需的数据
* @access public
* @param int $user_id 用户ID
* @return array $info 默认页面所需资料数组
function get_user_default($user_id)
$user_bonus = get_user_bonus();
$sql = "SELECT pay_points, user_money, credit_line, last_login, is_validated,status,reason,rolling,total_rolling FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('users'). " WHERE user_id = '$user_id'";
$row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
$info = array();
$info['username'] = stripslashes($_SESSION['user_name']);
$info['shop_name'] = $GLOBALS['_CFG']['shop_name'];
$info['integral'] = $row['pay_points'] . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['integral_name'];
/* 增加是否开启会员邮件验证开关 */
$info['is_validate'] = ($GLOBALS['_CFG']['member_email_validate'] && !$row['is_validated'])?0:1;
$info['credit_line'] = $row['credit_line'];
$info['formated_credit_line'] = price_format($info['credit_line'], false);
$info['rolling'] = intval($row['rolling']);
$info['total_rolling'] = intval($row['total_rolling']);
$info['reason'] = $row['reason'];
$info['status'] = $row['status'];
$last_time = !isset($_SESSION['last_time']) ? $row['last_login'] : $_SESSION['last_time'];
if ($last_time == 0)
$_SESSION['last_time'] = $last_time = gmtime();
$info['last_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $last_time);
$info['surplus'] = price_format($row['user_money'], false);
$info['bonus'] = sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['user_bonus_info'], $user_bonus['bonus_count'], price_format($user_bonus['bonus_value'], false));
// $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info').
// " WHERE user_id = '" .$user_id. "' AND add_time > '" .local_strtotime('-1 months'). "'";
// $info['order_count'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
// include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php');
// $sql = "SELECT order_id, order_sn ".
// " FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info').
// " WHERE user_id = '" .$user_id. "' AND shipping_time > '" .$last_time. "'". order_query_sql('shipped');
// $info['shipped_order'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
return $info;
* 添加商品标签
* @access public
* @param integer $id
* @param string $tag
* @return void
function add_tag($id, $tag)
if (empty($tag))
$arr = explode(',', $tag);
foreach ($arr AS $val)
/* 检查是否重复 */
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table("tag").
" WHERE user_id = '".$_SESSION['user_id']."' AND goods_id = '$id' AND tag_words = '$val'";
if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql) == 0)
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table("tag")." (user_id, goods_id, tag_words) ".
"VALUES ('".$_SESSION['user_id']."', '$id', '$val')";
* 标签着色
* @access public
* @param array
* @author Xuan Yan
* @return none
function color_tag(&$tags)
$tagmark = array(
$maxlevel = count($tagmark);
$tcount = $scount = array();
foreach($tags AS $val)
$tcount[] = $val['tag_count']; // 获得tag个数数组
$tcount = array_unique($tcount); // 去除相同个数的tag
sort($tcount); // 从小到大排序
$tempcount = count($tcount); // 真正的tag级数
$per = $maxlevel >= $tempcount ? 1 : $maxlevel / ($tempcount - 1);
foreach ($tcount AS $key => $val)
$lvl = floor($per * $key);
$scount[$val] = $lvl; // 计算不同个数的tag相对应的着色数组key
$rewrite = intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['rewrite']) > 0;
/* 遍历所有标签,根据引用次数设定字体大小 */
foreach ($tags AS $key => $val)
$lvl = $scount[$val['tag_count']]; // 着色数组key
$tags[$key]['color'] = $tagmark[$lvl]['color'];
$tags[$key]['size'] = $tagmark[$lvl]['size'];
$tags[$key]['bold'] = $tagmark[$lvl]['ifbold'];
if ($rewrite)
if (strtolower(EC_CHARSET) !== 'utf-8')
$tags[$key]['url'] = 'tag-' . urlencode(urlencode($val['tag_words'])) . '.html';
$tags[$key]['url'] = 'tag-' . urlencode($val['tag_words']) . '.html';
$tags[$key]['url'] = 'search.php?keywords=' . urlencode($val['tag_words']);
* 取得用户等级信息
* @access public
* @author Xuan Yan
* @return array
function get_rank_info()
global $db,$ecs;
if (!empty($_SESSION['user_rank']))
$sql = "SELECT rank_name, special_rank FROM " . $ecs->table('user_rank') . " WHERE rank_id = '$_SESSION[user_rank]'";
$row = $db->getRow($sql);
if (empty($row))
return array();
$rank_name = $row['rank_name'];
if ($row['special_rank'])
return array('rank_name'=>$rank_name);
$user_rank = $db->getOne("SELECT rank_points FROM " . $ecs->table('users') . " WHERE user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'");
$sql = "SELECT rank_name,min_points FROM " . $ecs->table('user_rank') . " WHERE min_points > '$user_rank' ORDER BY min_points ASC LIMIT 1";
$rt = $db->getRow($sql);
$next_rank_name = $rt['rank_name'];
$next_rank = $rt['min_points'] - $user_rank;
return array('rank_name'=>$rank_name,'next_rank_name'=>$next_rank_name,'next_rank'=>$next_rank);
return array();
* 获取用户参与活动信息
* @access public
* @param int $user_id 用户id
* @return array
function get_user_prompt ($user_id)
$prompt = array();
$now = gmtime();
/* 夺宝奇兵 */
$sql = "SELECT act_id, goods_name, end_time " .
"FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') .
" WHERE act_type = '" . GAT_SNATCH . "'" .
" AND (is_finished = 1 OR (is_finished = 0 AND end_time <= '$now'))";
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res))
$act_id = $row['act_id'];
$result = get_snatch_result($act_id);
if (isset($result['order_count']) && $result['order_count'] == 0 && $result['user_id'] == $user_id)
$prompt[] = array(
'text'=>sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['your_snatch'],$row['goods_name'], $row['act_id']),
'add_time'=> $row['end_time']
if (isset($auction['last_bid']) && $auction['last_bid']['bid_user'] == $user_id && $auction['order_count'] == 0)
$prompt[] = array(
'text' => sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['your_auction'], $row['goods_name'], $row['act_id']),
'add_time' => $row['end_time']
/* 竞拍 */
$sql = "SELECT act_id, goods_name, end_time " .
"FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') .
" WHERE act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "'" .
" AND (is_finished = 1 OR (is_finished = 0 AND end_time <= '$now'))";
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res))
$act_id = $row['act_id'];
$auction = auction_info($act_id);
if (isset($auction['last_bid']) && $auction['last_bid']['bid_user'] == $user_id && $auction['order_count'] == 0)
$prompt[] = array(
'text' => sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['your_auction'], $row['goods_name'], $row['act_id']),
'add_time' => $row['end_time']
/* 排序 */
$cmp = create_function('$a, $b', 'if($a["add_time"] == $b["add_time"]){return 0;};return $a["add_time"] < $b["add_time"] ? 1 : -1;');
usort($prompt, $cmp);
/* 格式化时间 */
foreach ($prompt as $key => $val)
$prompt[$key]['formated_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $val['add_time']);
return $prompt;
* 获取用户评论
* @access public
* @param int $user_id 用户id
* @param int $page_size 列表最大数量
* @param int $start 列表起始页
* @return array
function get_comment_list($user_id, $page_size, $start)
$sql = "SELECT c.*, g.goods_name AS cmt_name, r.content AS reply_content, r.add_time AS reply_time ".
" FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " AS c ".
" LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " AS r ".
" ON r.parent_id = c.comment_id AND r.parent_id > 0 ".
" LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ".
" ON c.comment_type=0 AND c.id_value = g.goods_id ".
" WHERE c.user_id='$user_id'";
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->SelectLimit($sql, $page_size, $start);
$comments = array();
$to_article = array();
while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res))
$row['formated_add_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $row['add_time']);
if ($row['reply_time'])
$row['formated_reply_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $row['reply_time']);
if ($row['comment_type'] == 1)
$to_article[] = $row["id_value"];
$comments[] = $row;
if ($to_article)
$sql = "SELECT article_id , title FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article') . " WHERE " . db_create_in($to_article, 'article_id');
$arr = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
$to_cmt_name = array();
foreach ($arr as $row)
$to_cmt_name[$row['article_id']] = $row['title'];
foreach ($comments as $key=>$row)
if ($row['comment_type'] == 1)
$comments[$key]['cmt_name'] = isset($to_cmt_name[$row['id_value']]) ? $to_cmt_name[$row['id_value']] : '';
return $comments;
* 扣除點數
* 增加點數
function decrease_point($games_id,$user_id,$amount,$rec_id)
if($games_id != '0'){
$sql="SELECT games_code FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('games') . " WHERE games_id=" . $games_id;
case 'HB':
log_account_change($user_id, $amount, 0, 0, 0, $rec_id, '2');
return 1;
include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/modules/games/game_'.$games_code.'.php');
$game_obj = new $func;
$memberId = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT account FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_game') . " WHERE game_id='".getGameId($games_code)."' and user_id = '".$user_id."' ");
return false;
return $result;
* 增加點數
function increase_point($games_id,$user_id,$amount,$rec_id)
if($games_id != '0'){
$sql="SELECT games_code FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('games') . " WHERE games_id=" . $games_id;
case 'HB':
log_account_change($user_id, $amount, 0, 0, 0, $rec_id, '2');
return 1;
include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/modules/games/game_'.$games_code.'.php');
$game_obj = new $func;
$memberId = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("SELECT account FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_game') . " WHERE game_id='".getGameId($games_code)."' and user_id = '".$user_id."' ");
return $result;
function check_trans($games_id,$user_id,$rec_id)
if($games_id != '0'){
$sql="SELECT games_code FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('games') . " WHERE games_id=" . $games_id;
include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/modules/games/game_'.$games_code.'.php');
$game_obj = new $func;
return $result;